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篇名 立委選制變遷與選舉競爭地方化
卷期 20
並列篇名 Electoral System Reform and the Localized Electoral Campaign
作者 沈有忠許懷仁
頁次 077-102
關鍵字 並立式單一選區兩票制複數選區單記非讓渡投票制選制變 遷地方化政見Mixed Member MajorityMulti Member District Single Non-Transverable VoteElectoral System ReformLocalized Campaign Platform
出刊日期 201706




This paper is concerned about the electoral system reform of Legislative Yuan in 2008 and the localized campaign. The parliamentary electoral system in Taiwan was reformed from the “Multi-Member Districted, Single Non-Transferable Vote, SNTVMMD” to the “Mixed Member Majority, MMM”. The electoral campaign was also changed under the new electoral system. Legislators focus on constituency services and localized issues under the MMM. This paper tries to point out that legislators will pay much attention on constituency services and localized issues in candidate-centered district elections. However, it will be still difference under following four variables: geography, urbanization, party membership, and incumbents or not.
