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篇名 我國古今刑事鑑識科技綜論
卷期 20
並列篇名 A Review of Forensic Sciences in Modern and Ancient Chinese
作者 曾春僑鄒濬智
頁次 103-126
關鍵字 古代犯罪偵查刑事鑑識犯罪現場微物跡證ancient periods criminal investigationforensic sciencecrime scenetrace evidence
出刊日期 201706




Crime as a natural and inevitable part of any human society. Every society has its own sets of moral standards and expectation. Criminal behavior is defined as an act or failure to act in a way that violates public law. In order to maintain the public order, the criminal procedure and law were used in human society. Written records of the history of China can be found from as early as 1500BC under the Shang dynasty. The criminal investigation technique and knowledge can be accumulated to a remarkable levels by the culture development over time. Unfortunately, these amazing achievements were abandoned at the pressure of ships and armament of western powers. In order to present the wisdom in ancient Chinese, a variety of forensic science techniques were synthetic discussion in this article, including the crime scene reconstruction, medical autopsy, fingerprint identification, body fluid analysis, machine mark comparison, abuse drug testing, arson investigation, questioned document examination and trace evidence analysis. Through the study, researchers can understand the overall theories and developments of forensic science in ancient and present of our country.
