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篇名 社區老人志願服務參與行為之影響因素探討
卷期 20
並列篇名 Associated Factors to Volunteering Participation for Community Elderly
作者 方和明陳俐璉陶文祺陳敦禮
頁次 127-156
關鍵字 外在行動線索-媒體傳播外在行動線索-人際傳播社區老人 志願服務參與行為External cues to action-media communicationExternal cues to actioninterpersonal communicationcommunity elderly volunteering participation
出刊日期 201706


本研究目的在了解社區老人志願服務參與行為及其影響因素,研究採 類實驗立意取樣方式進行。研究對象以彰化縣、市某兩個里中之高齡志工 及一般社區老人為主。符合收案條件者共132人,排除經巴氏量表測定為 輕、中、重度及完全依賴者,最後總樣本為117人,其中一般老人組55人, 高齡志工組62人。 本研究以結構式問卷為工具進行資料收集,問卷包括個人基本資料、 外在行動線索量表、巴氏量表(Barthel Index, BI)、工具性日常生活活動量 表(Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Scale, IADL Scale),簡式老人憂鬱 量表(Geriatric Depression Scale Short-Form, GDS-SF)、及自覺健康量表。資 料經編碼後,使用SPSS for Windows 12.0中文版統計軟體進行資料分析。 根據研究結果,社區老人參與志願服務方面,全部樣本117人中,有 62人(53.0%)在最近六個月內曾參與志工工作;其每月從事志願服務工作時 數由2至30小時不等,平均每人每月服務時數為7.6小時。志願服務團體相 關訊息來源管道由多至少依序為活動傳單、電視媒體、報紙/雜誌、廣播媒 體、電腦網站。卡方檢定結果顯示,年齡、宗教信仰、工具性日常生活功 能、家人/親友是否曾參與志願服務工作、家人/親友是否曾鼓勵老人參與 志工工與社區老人參與志願服務行為有顯著相關。羅吉斯迴歸分析結果, 宗教信仰、工具性日常生活功能、家人/親友是否曾參與志願服務工作(p <.001)、家人/親友是否曾鼓勵老人參與志工可有效預測社區老人志願服務 參與行為。


The purpose of this study was to understand the factors associated to volunteering participation for community elderly. Structured questionnaires were used for data collection. Questionnaires included Social-demographic information, External Cues to Action Scale, Barthel Index, Geriatric Depression Scale Short-Form, and Self-rated Health Condition Scale. The subjects who met the original study criteria were 132. After ruling out mild, moderate, severe and complete dependence measured by the Barthel Index, the final samples were 117. The elder volunteers were 62 while the community elders were 55. The main findings are as follows:The elder volunteers’ monthly volunteer service hours ranging from 2-30 hours, the average monthly volunteer service hours was 7.6 hours per person. The most popular voluntary service group information sources were activity flyers, television media, and so on. Dual-variable analysis showed that age, religion, family / friends ever involved in voluntary work, family / friends ever encourage the elderly to participate in volunteer work were significantly related to community elderly volunteering participation. According to Logistic Regression results, religion, family / friends ever involved in voluntary work, family / friends ever encourage the elderly to participate in volunteer work were the variables that could successfully predict community elderly volunteering participation.
