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篇名 從關懷倫理論臺灣精神病患的護理照護
卷期 20
並列篇名 The Discussion of the Nursing Care of Psychiatric Patients in Taiwan From the Aspect of Care Ethics
作者 陶文娟陳俐璉陳敦禮
頁次 157-188
關鍵字 女性主義關懷倫理護病關係關懷照護行為FeminismCare EthicsNurse-Patient RelationshipCare Behaviors
出刊日期 201706




Caring almost become the synonyms of nursing for a long time. How to apply caring practice to clinical care and to provide holistic care to patients has always been emphasized in nursing. They are also the goals that needed to achieve through the improving of nursing quality. When taking care of psychiatric patients, nurses have to deal with not only patients’ mental illness, but also their self-disparagement, hopeless of life, and doubt of life value. Moreover, patients’ curse, attacking behaviors, and selfhurting due to their intense emotion shifts from the illness, nurses have to put up with a great amount of stress. Care ethics was developed from the feminism. The theory emphasized interpersonal relationships and the bonding of each other. It also helped to learn one’s value and responsibilities through the responses of one another. The nurse-patient relationship is often unequal. Nurses deliver caring to patients and might get extremely opposite responses. However, under the circumstance between moral and professional ethics, nurses are asked to be virtuous caregivers. That often brings out the anxiety and conflicts within nurses. The purposes of this study are first to investigate how to apply care ethics to the care of psychiatric patients, and to look into the difficulties and challenges in Taiwan clinical care. Second, through the reflection and awareness of caring patients, nurses can realize the value and meaning of care, and then achieve the core concept of care ethics helping others grow and self-realization.
