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篇名 運動場館意象認知、滿意度與使用行為意圖研究
卷期 20
並列篇名 The Study of the Playgrounds and Gymnasiums Users’ Image Cognition, Satisfaction and Behavioral Intention
作者 方和明
頁次 189-214
關鍵字 運動場館空間意象認知滿意度使用行為意圖playground and gym spaceimage cognitionSatisfactionBehavioral Intention
出刊日期 201706


本研究之目的在於探討大學生使用運動場館時對空間意象認知、滿意 度與使用行為意圖三者間之關係。以國立高雄海洋科技大學一、二年級日 間部學生為研究對象進行問卷調查,總共發出 520 份問卷,剔除不完整之 問卷,最後獲得有效問卷為432份,回收率為83.1%。 本研究所蒐集之資料採用次數分配與百分比、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子 變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關等方法進行分析。所得結果如下: 一、 在空間意象認知方面,男、女學生對場館有相當程度之正面感覺 與印象。但在滿意度方面,對場館空間並不太滿意,日後持續到 校內體育運動場館運動之意願也不高。 二、 各學院學生對場館空間意象認知有相當程度之正面感覺與印象, 但對場館空間並不太滿意。各學院學生對日後持續到校內體育運 動場館運動之意願也不高。 三、 在空間意象認知方面,各學院男、女學生並無顯著差異。而在滿 意度方面,海洋工程學院之男學生明顯比女生之滿意度高。在使 用行為意圖方面,水圈學院學生之男學生明顯比女生之意願高。 四、 由皮爾森積差相關分析結果得知,「空間意象認知」、「滿意 度」及「使用行為意圖」三者間彼此存在著正相關,彼此互相影 響。亦即對場館空間意象認知越高者,對場館空間之滿意度也越 高,相對的也越有意願在未來又回到場館來運動。


The purpose of this study was to understand the relation between playgrounds and gyms users’ space image cognition, satisfaction and behavioral intention. The random sample was freshmen and sophomore students of day division at the National Kaohsiung Marine University. A total of 520 random students were asked to participate in the investigation and filled in the questionnaires, and finally there were 432 (83.1% effective returned rate) effective questionnaires that returned. Descriptive statistics, independent t-tests, ANOVA and Pearson product-moment correlation were used to analyze the collected data by the SPSS. Primary findings and conclusions to emerge from this study include the followings: 1. Male and female students all gave positive cognition for the image of playgrounds and gyms space. However, they were not so satisfied with the space of playgrounds and gyms and also the intention to visit them for exercising was low. 2. The students belonging to each college were all gave positive cognition for the image of playgrounds and gyms space. However, they were not so satisfied with the space of playgrounds and gyms and also the intention to visit them for exercising was low. 3. There were no significantly differences of the cognition of playground and gym between male and female students of each college. Male students of College of Ocean Engineering felt more satisfaction than the female. Male students of College of Hydrosphere Science felt more behavioral intentions to visit playground and gym than the female. 4. Students’ image cognition, satisfaction and behavioral intention showed positive relations between each other examined by the method of Pearson productmoment correlation. That is, the higher the cognition students perceived, the more satisfaction they felt, and the stronger intention visiting playground and gym they have.
