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篇名 高雄市大專校院教職員工休閒運動參與現況與阻礙因素之研究
卷期 20
並列篇名 The Current Situation of Staffs' Leisure Sports Participation And Obstacle Factors of Colleges of Kaohsiung City
作者 陳俐璉
頁次 215-248
關鍵字 休閒運動參與休閒運動阻礙休閒運動類型recreational sports participationobstacles of recreational sports participationtypes of recreational sports
出刊日期 201706


本研究主要目的在於探討高雄市大專校院教職員工之休閒運動參與現 況與阻礙因素,參與時間、花費,以及休閒運動類型等問題。本研究使用 問卷調查法,以高雄市19個大專校院教職員工為調查對象,樣本數為950 份(各校隨機發放50份)。研究工具為參考其他學者而改編訂成之「大專 校院教職員工休閒運動參與現況與阻礙因素調查問卷」為本研究資料蒐集 之主要工具。所收集之資料以SPSS for Windows 15.0版統計套裝軟體進行描 述性、獨立樣本t檢定以及單因子變異數分析等統計方法進行分析。本研究 之調查共回收736份問卷,扣除無效問卷14份,得有效問卷722份,有效回 收率為76.0%。 研究結果顯示: 一、高雄市大專校院教職員工絕大部分自認為身體 健康狀態都還不錯。絕大多數員工肢體也都沒有不適。亦即教職員工絕大 多數都有一個健全的身體。二、員工普遍很少運動,每次運動的時間也不 長,對於運動消費也保守,不太願意把錢花在運動上。三、教職員工參與 最多之休閒類型,依次為戶外性運動、球類運動、健身性運動;其中以戶 外性運動來說,散步最多;球類運動以羽球最多。四、有關休閒運動阻礙 因素反映情形(平均2.6),結果顯示本研究之「休閒阻礙因素」對於教職員 工而言,阻礙他們參與休閒運動的程度不高,所以是否有其他較重要的阻 礙因素,讓他們參與休閒運動意願降低,或者只是單純不想活動,值得未 來作深入探討。


The main purpose of this study was to explore the current situation and obstacles of recreational sports participation, time and cost of recreational sports activities, and the types of recreational sports in Kaohsiung City Colleges. In this study, a total of 950 students were randomly selected from 19 colleges and universities in Kaohsiung . The research tool is a major tool for the data collection of this study, which is adapted from “ The questionnaire survey of the current situation and barriers to participation of recreational athletes”. SPSS for Windows version 15.0 statistical package software for descriptive, independent sample t-test and single-factor analysis of variance analysis of statistical methods was used to analyze the collected data. A total of 736 questionnaires were retrieved from the survey. After subtracting 14 invalid questionnaires, 722 valid questionnaires were collected and the effective recovery rate was 76.0%. The results show that: First, the vast majority of faculty and staff of colleges in Kaohsiung City felt the state of health was not bad. The vast majority of employees were also no discomfort. That is, the vast majority of faculty and staff had a sound body. Second, the general staff rarely exercised, each time the movement was not long, sports consumption was also conservative, and not willing to spend money on sports. Third, the leisure and recreational type of staff participation in the largest, followed by outdoor sports, ball games,and body-building. As to outdoor sports, walking was at most. As to ball games, badminton was at most. Fourth, the results of the study show that the "leisure barriers" in this study were not high enough for the staff and workers to hinder them participating in recreational sports, so whether there are other more important obstacles , or just simply do not want to activities, worthy of future for in-depth discussion.
