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篇名 從日本《大寶令》、《養老令》的〈學令〉探討初、盛唐〈學令〉存廢
卷期 21
並列篇名 From the Education Code in Taiho Code and Yoro Code of Japan to Verify the Existence of Education Code in Tang Dynasty
作者 洪銘吉
頁次 001-026
關鍵字 大寶令養老令永徽令科舉制度經學Taiho CodeYoro CodeYonghui CodeImperial examinationStudy of Confucian classics
出刊日期 201712


大唐時期,日本多次派遣遣唐使、遣唐僧及遣唐留學生進入中國學習 唐文化、典章制度及政令等,唐時亦多人將唐文化傳佈到日本,唐、日在 官、民間的交流,十分頻繁,最明顯的例證,即是日本《大寶令》、《養 老令》的制定,幾近仿自唐《令》而來。唐代制定的《令》,今已不復 見,仁井田 陞著《唐令拾遺》、池田溫著《唐令拾遺補》試圖藉由《大寶 令》、《養老令》的記載及唐代典籍,還原唐《令》本貌。而對於唐〈學 令〉,兩位與臺灣高明士皆主張唐高宗永徽二年(642)的《永徽令》、玄 宗開元七年(719)及二十五年(737)的《令》都應有〈學令〉的存在。 本文撰寫之目的,擬由現存唐代典章制度的有關書籍,查證〈學令〉是否 列入《永徽令》及《開元令》中?其次,由日本《大寶令》、《養老令》 中有關〈學令〉制定,藉此探討兩《令》與唐《令》兩者間的關係,以期 了解唐、日時期在律令交流的情形。


In Tang Dynasty, to learn Chinese culture, political system and laws, Japan sent ambassadors, monks and students to China several times. Both official and folk communications between China and Japan are frequent. The most obvious evidence is the establishment of Taiho Code and Yoro Code, which are nearly the imitation of the codes in China. The codes of Tang Dynasty do not exist anymore, yet Japanese researchers Noboru Niida’s Collections of the Codes of Tang Dynasty and On Ikeda’s Complement of Collections of the Codes of Tang Dynasty try to recover the codes in Tang Dynasty through doing research on Taiho Code and Yoro Code. Noboru Niida, On Ikeda and Taiwanese researcher Gao, Min-Shi all advocate the existence of Education Code in Yonghui Code of Emperor Gao of Tang and the code of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang. The purpose of the thesis is to do research on the extant materials which are related to the political system of Tang Dynasty to verify whether Yonghui Code and Kaiyuan code contain education code. Besides, through doing research on the establishment of the education code in Taiho Code and Yoro Code to find out the relations between two codes and the codes in Tang Dynasty and the communication of codes between China and Japan at the time.
