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篇名 論漢樂府〈羽林郎〉、〈陌上桑〉的婦女形象及其對《詩經》的繼承
卷期 21
並列篇名 A Discourse on the female images of Han Yuefu “Yu Lin Lang”, “Mo Shang Sang” and their Inheritances from Shi Jing
作者 賴昭君
頁次 059-084
關鍵字 漢樂府羽林郎陌上桑婦女形象詩經Yuefu Poems of Han DynastyYu-Lin-LangMo-Shang-SangWomen's ImageinShi Jing
出刊日期 201712




'Shi-Jing' and Yuefu Poems of Han Dynasty were based on folk poems. Although Times are different, it shows the customs folk poems, Women in 'Shi-Jing' already have a mature image , this paper Han Dynasty "Yu-Lin-Lang" and "Mo-Shang-Sang" two themes are closed to women's poetry as a case study to compare two poems similarities and differences , and the other from 'Shi-Jing' development, observed Yuefu Poems of Han Dynasty on 'Shi-Jing' traditional inheritance , and then a series of two generations of common literary value. This article sections: I. Introduction ; II , "Yu-Lin-Lang" and "Mo-Shang-Sang" content ; ginseng , "Yu-Lin-Lang" and "Mo-Shang-Sang" on 'Shi-Jing' inheritance ; Stanford, conclusion. Among them, the first two section also contains" "Yu-Lin-Lang" and "Mo-Shang-Sang" the gist " and "The Women's Imagein of "Yu-Lin-Lang"and "Mo- Shang-Sang" " ─ ─ into "intrinsic virtues", "external beauty shape ."Participation in the first section, specifically pointed out that this two women poem on 'Shi-Jing' inheritance . Divided into : A,the description of folk life and characters, including "field work", "drinking and drinking", "dress and behavior ." B. Self- female character show , including "observe etiquette ", "reject rudeness ." C. the narrative style along the bearing and sentence evolution , including "plain language", "sentence forms a natural transition". Finally, the "conclusion" of the total research and Syria this article.
