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篇名 《尚書‧洪範》中的卜筮從逆吉凶問題
卷期 21
並列篇名 The Problem of Divination in Hong Fan
作者 劉幸瑜
頁次 085-104
關鍵字 洪範稽疑卜筮Hong Fanresolving the doubtsdivinationagreeoppose
出刊日期 201712




This research focuses on “resolving the doubts,” the seventh part of Hong Fan, and analyzes the relationships between divination and human thinking, as well as oracle bone divination and milfoil divination based on the examples “three agree versus two oppose” and “two agree versus three oppose” in the text. About the relationship between divination and human thinking, there were humanism theory, divine theory, and compromise theory. And about the relationship between oracle bone divination and milfoil divination, there were equal theory, oracle bone first theory, and complementary theory. This paper reanalyzes these topics from a historical perspective, knowing that Hong Fan reflects three characteristics of late Shang to early Zhou period. First, oracle bone divination and milfoil divination were used at the same time, but oracle bone divination was more important than milfoil divination. Second, divination and human thinking executed, but divination was more important than human thinking. Third, people tried to influence the decision making by controlling the interpretation of divination.
