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篇名 大學「人文精神」通識課程中運用PBL創意教學之實施成效
卷期 21
並列篇名 The learning effectiveness of using PBL in an undergraduate Humanity course of general education
作者 洪瑞黛陳家倫孫秀君邱美珍廖秀珠洪鈺婷
頁次 105-132
關鍵字 通識教育人文精神課程問題導向學習性別平等教案職涯探索教案general educationhumanity courseproblem-based-learning teaching program of gender equalityteaching program of career exploration
出刊日期 201712




The motto of Hungkuang University, chosen by its founder, Dr. Yui Lin Wang, is “Be compassionate toward living things based on the principles of humanism.” In 1999, the Humanity Education Development Center at the College of General Education of Hungkuang started offering a core course in general education called “Humanity”; this life-education course was intended to fulfill our school founder’s educational philosophy. After 16 years of effort on the part of the Humanity course’s teaching team, this course has a solid foundation. From February to July 2016, the Humanity PBL community, an inter-departmental group of humanistic-minded instructors at our school, regularly organizes PBL activities, PBL literature seminars, case reviews of successful PBL teaching experiences, workshops guided by PBL experts, group teaching-design programs, group discussions, observations, and other practices to help stimulate instructors’ development of creative and innovative techniques for applying PBL in the Humanity course. The Humanity PBL community’s work has led to the development of five PBL programs for teaching the Humanity course, framed as a life-education course. Three of these are gender-equality programs, and two are career-exploration programs. Six periods of extensive discussion not only enhanced teaching effectiveness among those teaching humanistic courses but also improved the administrative efficiency of our team’s teaching of the Humanity course. Then, those five PBL programs for teaching the Humanity course were implemented in 36 classes, from September 2016 to January 2017. Quantitative and qualitative data of students were obtained immediately after the class to assess the effectiveness of learning. The results of this study will be used as a reference for the future use of PBL teaching in life education curriculum.
