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篇名 Taiwanese College Students’ Perspectives on Korean Trends
卷期 21
並列篇名 韓流對台灣大學生影響之剖析
作者 沈明月王妙音顧庭瑄
頁次 133-154
關鍵字 Korean trendscollege studentseffects韓流大學生影響
出刊日期 201712


近幾年,對於韓國流行文化例如電視劇音樂等的哈韓狂熱已經在亞洲 青少年之間蔚為流行。 本文目的在探討台灣大學生對於韓流風潮的反應情 況以及為何追星、哈韓的原因, 文中亦進一步探討男女大學生對於韓國流 行文化的影響與看法是否有差異。 本研究參與受訪對象包括中部某大學 100名介於18 到 22歲之間的大學生, 這些受訪學生來自全台不同的縣市。 資料蒐集採取問卷填答的方式進行,本問卷設計為5等級李克特量表,內容 包含針對韓國流行電視劇、韓國流行音樂、韓國偶像,以及韓國流行商品 等四大主題,探討大學生對於韓流的回應情況。本研究分析結果發現: 受 訪的大學生不否認對韓國流行文化有一定程度的欣賞,但是多數反映非盲 目崇拜。此外,進一步分析男女大學生對於韓流影響的反應,分析結果呈 現男女大學生對於韓流影響的看法略有差異。 大致上,女大學生對於韓流 商品及偶像崇拜等反應,相對地比男性大學生較為著迷。針對研究分析結 果,文後亦提出建議與討論。


In recent years, “Korean maniac” for Korean trends, such as TV series and music, has become prevalent among the teenagers in Asia. This study aimed to explore how and why the college students in Taiwan followed Korean trends and whether they were blindly crazy about such trends as Korean TV programs, music, idols, and goods. It also investigated whether there are differences between the male and female college students regarding the craze about Korean trends. The participants, aged between 18 and 22 years old, involved 103 college students at the central Taiwan. The data were collected by conducting a survey on those young adults from different cities in Taiwan. A questionnaire with five-level Likert Scale was used to investigate how the respondents felt about Korean TV series, music, idols, and goods. The results indicated that most of the college students admitted they appreciated Korean trends; nevertheless, they did not devote too much time and money to them. In addition, the survey revealed a slight difference between the male and female students’ preferences about Korean trends. In general, the female college students relatively showed more fascination with Korean TV programs and idols than their counterparts did. Discussions were presented based on the findings and some suggestions were provided for the future study.
