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篇名 翻轉教室教學策略於護理教育課程之應用
卷期 65:6
並列篇名 Application of Flipped Classroom Teaching Strategy in Nursing Education
作者 黃惠滿鄭夙芬
頁次 005-012
關鍵字 翻轉教室翻轉教學翻轉學習四階段互動式案例學習模式flipped classroomflipped teachingflipped learning4-phase dynamic case-based learningMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201812


教育的最終目標在培養學生具備終身學習的能 力。學生具備終身學習能力,必能同時提升其他 專業核心能力,特別是問題解決能力與臨床推理 決策能力。促使學生具備終身學習能力必須先讓 學生學會自我導向學習。文獻顯示翻轉學習可以 提升學生自我導向能力,翻轉教學需要事先錄製 授課影片,在課堂中強化師生互動、引導學生 深入學習。本文作者研發四階段互動式案例學習 模式(4-phase dynamic case-based learning)教學 策略並與翻轉學習結合,成功的將此創新教學策 略運用於護理不同學制中,強化學生自我導向學 習能力及臨床推理能力。本文從翻轉教學概念談 起,說明翻轉教學的特性與教學設計,之後再說 明四階段互動式案例學習模式的內涵以及在不同 護理學制之實際運用情形,期使護理教育者能運 用翻轉教學策略於教學實務中。


The ultimate purpose of education is to provide students with the skills and motivation necessary for lifelong learning. Students with lifelong learning abilities are better able to continue improving their professional core competencies, especially in terms of problem solving and clinical reasoning. Prior to enhancing lifelong learning abilities, students must learn self-directed learning. Studies have shown that flipped classroom learning has the potential to improve self-directed learning. Flipped classroom teaching requires prerecorded lectures, strengthened teacher-student interaction, and assisting students to learn in-depth. The authors developed a four-phase dynamic case-based learning (4D CBL) innovative teaching strategy and then assimilated this strategy into flipped classroom teaching. This innovative teaching strategy may be used in various academic nursing programs to reinforce selfdirected learning and clinical reasoning abilities. After introducing the concepts of flipped classroom teaching and 4-D CBL, how to merge 4D CBL with the flipped classroom model and the effectiveness of this innovative teaching strategy are demonstrated. Nurse educators may use the flipped classroom teaching strategy with 4D CBL in their future practice.
