
Concentric:Studies in Linguistics ScopusTHCI

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篇名 Event Counting with Chinese Ci
卷期 44:2
並列篇名 漢語『次』的事件計數
作者 廖秀真
頁次 031-068
關鍵字 event countingverbal classifierevent typeevent tokenminimal events事件計數動量詞事件類型事件個體最小事件ScopusTHCI
出刊日期 201811
DOI 10.6241/concentric.ling.201811_44(2).0002



This paper studies the uses of Chinese ci, the most general verbal classifier in Chinese, in order to understand the ontology of events and how they may be counted. In the literature, a verb may be viewed as mass, as in Moltmann (1997), and so event counting must rely on time to get discrete event units based on temporal separation. Alternatively, it may be assumed that a verb denotes a set of events, and so time counts events directly, as in Landman (2004). To understand how events are divided and counted, the paper explores the uses of ci, the Chinese counterpart of English time, because this item displays two ways of counting. Through this study, I argue that instances of an event type at different temporal spans are discrete event units by default; and among these event units, ci may select the minimal or maximal ones for the counting, and the choice is determined by whether the speaker should specify the number of individual events or the number of distinct temporal intervals for the realization of the event type described. If the analysis is on the right track, its precise semantic analysis can be the basis for us to understand further how events can be divided and counted in various ways and how other verbal classifiers work.
