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篇名 先進電離層探測儀
卷期 217
並列篇名 Advanced Ionospheric Probe
作者 趙吉光
頁次 016-023
出刊日期 201812


依照福爾摩沙衛星五號科學酬載的研製需求,國立中央大學開發出先進電離層探測儀。該儀器為多合一的電漿量測儀器,可實地量測電離層的電漿密度、速度、溫度等物理量。在小尺度上,可以最高取樣率每秒 8,192 次量測電漿不規則體的空間分布與暫態變化。在大尺度上,可完整得到電離層電漿在經度、緯度、季節、太陽活動的變化等。適合研究太空天氣/氣候或協助電離層地震前兆等相關議題。自衛星發射歷經在軌測試後,先進電離層探測儀已進入例行觀測。預計可在 2018 年底,開放科學資料給太空相關研究學者使用。


Advanced Ionospheric Probe (AIP) is a piggyback science payload developed by National Central University for FORMOSAT-5 satellite to explore space weather/climate and seismic precursors associated with strong earthquakes. AIP is an all-in-one plasma sensor that measures in-situ ionospheric plasma concentrations, velocities, and temperatures in a time-sharing way and is capable of measuring ionospheric plasma irregularities at a sample rate up to 8,192 Hz over a wide range of spatial scales. After early orbit checkout, ionospheric plasma parameter profiles will be routinely observed by FORMOSAT-5/AIP in night-side orbits with a geographic latitude coverage from 60° to 60°. These valuable science data shall be available to space community at the end of 2018.

