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篇名 遙測酬載陣列式濾光鏡設計與製作
卷期 217
並列篇名 Array Filter Design and Manufacturing of Remote Sensing Instrument
作者 邱柏凱陳宏彬蕭健男陳峰志
頁次 059-064
出刊日期 201812


本文敘述福衛五號衛星遙測酬載 (remote sensing instrument, RSI) 陣列式濾光鏡介紹與設計製造,其中包含 了濾光鏡光譜設計與如何結合微影製程製作微米級精度的陣列式濾光鏡。福衛五號濾光鏡採用高精度光學 監控之離子源輔助電子槍蒸鍍系統進行光學鍍膜,微影製程部分則採用業界所用之軟板曝光機,藉由重複 5 個循環製程進行製作,每個循環製程包含微影製作圖形與近 90 幾層之光學薄膜製鍍,並藉此研究促進像素濾光鏡發展,提升光電產業附加價值。


This article introduces the manufacturing and design of the of array filters for the remote sensing instrument (RSI) of the satellite Formosat-5. The filter spectral design and the associatedlithography process to produce micron-scale array filters are included. The filter films of Formosat-5 are coated by an ion source-assisted electron gun evaporation system with high-precision optical monitoring. The lithography process is performed by a soft-plate exposure machine used in the industry. The array filter is produced by five repeating cycles. Every cycling process consists of a lithographic process and a structure of nearly 90 layers coated optical films. This research promotes the development of pixel filters and increases the value of the photoelectric and optical related industry.

