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篇名 福衛五號遙測取像儀之大口徑非球面反射鏡組製作
卷期 217
並列篇名 Fabrication of Large Aspheric Mirrors for Remote Sensing Instrument
作者 郭慶祥余宗儒何承舫許巍耀陳峰志
頁次 065-082
出刊日期 201812


本文以福衛五號遙測取像儀之卡賽格林折反射式光學系統之大口徑非球面反射鏡組製作技術為主題,結合傳統拋光技術、CNC 先進拋光製程及非球面鏡檢測技術,開發高效率的大口徑非球面鏡拋光製作技術,並據以研究拋光參數及檢測系統誤差對拋光與量測結果之影響。針對口徑 466 mm 凹面雙曲面非球面主鏡與 160 mm 凸面雙曲面非球面次鏡,以傳統研磨拋光法對成形後最近似球面鏡片進行預拋光,再以機械手臂式 CNC 數控拋光設備執行鏡片曲面非球面化拋光及最終的修正拋光。拋光過程中利用高精度表面輪廓儀進行二維曲面形狀精度量測,確認非球面化拋光之形狀修正程度,最後以雷射干涉儀搭配電腦全像片取得三維表面形狀誤差,依據所量測到的形狀誤差,經由拋光機進行最後之修正拋光。本研究以所建立的大口徑非球面鏡拋光製程及檢測技術,完成形狀誤差 P-V 0.066 m、RMS 5.7 nm 之非球面主鏡與 P-V 0.15 m、RMS 17.9 nm 之非球面次鏡製作。


In this study, we develop efficient polishing processes and build inspection procedure for large concave hyperbolic mirror and convex hyperbolic mirror of Cassegrain optical system for Formosat-5. We also investigate the effects of polishing parameters and metrology system errors during fabrication processes. The polishing process combines the techniques of conventional lapping and CNC polishing. The inspection procedure was carried out by using phase shift interferometer with CGH. The integration process of aspherical surface inspection and correction polishing is presented in this paper. And based on this integration process, a 466 mm concave near-parabolic mirror and a 160 mm convex mirror with hyperbolic surface were completed. The form error of the primary mirror and secondary mirror are converged to P-V 0.066 m, RMS 5.7 nm and P-V 0.15 m, RMS 17.9 nm respectively.

