
臺灣傳播學刊 TSSCI

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篇名 自願、無薪而且很快樂?「無領」勞動者的夢醒時分―導讀《數位勞動》
卷期 25
並列篇名 Voluntarily Unpaid, but Very Happy? Book Review of Digital Labor: The Internet as Playground and Factory
作者 蕭宏祺
頁次 253-264
關鍵字 主體性血汗工廠自願無領階級遊樂數位勞動subjectivitysweatshopno-collar classvolunteerplaydigital laborTSSCI
出刊日期 201406
DOI 10.6195/cjcr.2014.25.09


本書為極少數從政治經濟學的觀點思考「享樂」的「勞動本質」 出發;並提出應從勞動者的主體意識(subjectivity)來檢視後資本主 義社會裡的新宰制關係。這本書分成四大部分:第一、二部分的討論 偏結構面,分別探索勞力市場如何隨著網路科技崛起有了結構性變遷, 並依此批判了新的勞動形式與勞力剝削;第三與第四部分探索了在此 框架下勞動者所有可能的能動性。評論者認為本書從新馬克斯主義的 「虛假意識」(false consciousness)立場出發,仍有過度簡化之嫌; 盼能從跨界勞動、勞動名聲與網絡社會等概念來檢視這種「類勞動 關係」。


This book combines the two elements of “play” and “work,” which are no longer opposite activities. The book states that “play theories” should engage with the analysis of labor on which Marx centered his critique of politics and economy; and “labor theories” should elucidate shifts in capitalism and focus on subjectivity. Following the structure of the Internet as Playground and Factory conference, this book is arranged in four parts. The first two parts examine the structural shifts in labor markets as a result of digitalization. The third and fourth parts investigate issues of exploitation and address emerging scenarios and peer-to-peer alternatives.
