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篇名 疏水性金屬氮氧化物鍍於高壓合金 T91的過熱蒸汽管分析
卷期 50
作者 慈復明葉金課
頁次 022-030
關鍵字 疏水性過熱器管自然對流結垢鍋爐HydrophobicSuperheated tubeNatural convectionScalingBoiler
出刊日期 201804


本文目標是降低鍋爐爐管的爆管機率,維護蒸汽動力系統的安全。使用疏水性耐高溫抗高壓的金屬氮氧化材質,鍍膜於高壓合金 T91的過熱器管;在爐水的熱對流循環下歷經 8,000小時,量測鍍膜厚度的變化量。結果顯示,使用金屬氮氧化物膜的爐管厚度減少 6%。再觀察發現部分管路區域鈣鎂化合物結垢增加 13%;厚度減少則因爐水自然沖刷。爐管鍍膜增加給水流速同時提升產汽速度;阻止碳酸垢與鎂化物附著於爐管管壁內,大幅降低爐管爆管的發生機率,提升鍋爐的產汽效率與延長壽命,降低保養時程與節省人力。


The task aims that reduces the possibility of the rupture tube in the boiler to upgrade the sailing safety. We carry out the hydrophobic metal-nitrogen-oxidation film onto the high-pressure alloy T91 superheat tube in the boiler that monitors its thickness variety after 8,000 operation hours. The thickness varies with 6% evaluates its tendency after the steaming boiler. As a result, the tendency indicates anincreased thicknessdue to carbonate scale and magnesium compounds inside the tube. On the other hand, the thickness decreased 6% is due to flush down the nitrogen oxides film inside the superheat tube. It turns out that the hydrophobic nitrogen oxides filmreduces the scale adhesion then it prevents the opportunity of the rupture tube. Moreover, the technique can increase the generation steamefficiency at natural water circulation. Consequently, the lifetime can extend and saves the labor cost, maintain fee, etc.
