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篇名 Uterine Perforation as Initial Presentation of Cervical Cancer: a Case Report
卷期 16:4
並列篇名 以子宮破裂為初始表現的子宮頸癌:病例報告
作者 林士文何志明黃家彥
頁次 191-194
關鍵字 Uterine perforationpyometracervical cancer子宮破裂子宮積膿子宮頸癌
出刊日期 201812
DOI 10.3966/181020932018121604005


以子宮穿孔合併急性腹痛為初始表現的子宮頸癌是一種極為罕見的情形。在本文 中,我們報告一名76 歲的女性患者,該患者有急性腹痛合併腹腔內有空氣。中空器官 穿孔是最初的診斷,但是後來在腹腔鏡手術後,發現是因為FIGO IIIb 期的子宮頸癌 造成子宮蓄膿和子宮穿孔。病患術後接受同時化療放療,治療後恢復情形良好。


Uterine perforation with acute abdomen as initial presentation of cervical cancer is an extremely rare condition. In this paper, we report a 76-year-old female patient who presented with acute abdomen with intra-abdominal free air. Hollow organ perforation was the initial diagnosis but a FIGO stage IIIb cervical cancer with pyometra and uterine perforation was later discovered after laparoscopic operation. She received concurrent chemo-radiation after operation and recovered well after therapy.
