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篇名 區塊鏈與新聞:新型態的數位新聞購買與推薦平台
卷期 8
並列篇名 Blockchain and Journalism – New Type of Purchase and Recommendation Platform for News
作者 劉榮樺
頁次 001-036
關鍵字 BitressCivilMatters比特幣以太坊區塊鏈智慧合約超級帳本
出刊日期 201812


區塊鏈的概念是在2008 年由Nakamoto Satoshi 提出,並在 2009 年發佈了第一個實作區塊鏈的虛擬貨幣──比特幣。在2015 年發行的另外一個區塊鏈虛擬貨幣系統──以太坊,引入智慧合 約的概念,擴大了區塊鏈的應用於自動交易與資料保護上。區塊 鏈所具有的資料不可抹滅以及解決雙重支付的虛擬貨幣機制,也 吸引新聞媒體開始投入建置區塊鏈新聞交易平台,用以解決營收 過度依賴廣告與遏止假新聞的氾濫。本文將介紹區塊鏈如何應用 於新聞交易平台,以目前進行中的三個區塊鏈新聞交易平台為主 要的分析對象,包含以英文讀者為主的Civil 與Bitpress,以及以 華文世界讀者為對象的Matters。從對以上三者的研究顯示,當區 塊鏈上的貨幣與現實生活中的法幣能有穩定兌換關係後,同時擁 有足夠多的貨幣與持有者在區塊鏈上,就能成為從貨幣動力學來 看具有穩定性的貨幣,如此將會使得區塊鏈如同重要基礎設施, 可以被穩定地且廣泛地運用;而其所具有的不可抹滅性,也使得 此種新的數位型態的新聞內容會成為可信賴的訊息來源,增加大 眾對於新聞的信賴度,使得新聞產業擺脫假新聞與同溫層所帶來 的負面影響,再次贏回大眾的信賴。


This paper introduces the technology background of blockchain and three journalism-related projects──Civil, Bitpress and Matters. Blockchain was proposed by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008 and he released Bitcoin, the first cryptocurrency based on blockchain, in 2009. Blockchain is a decentralized ledger and it contains transactions in blocks. The difficulty of modifying data avoids double spending and keeps Bitcoin stable. In 2015, another blockchain-based cryptocurrency system, Ethereum, brought the feature of smart contract into blockchain. Smart contracts can be executed without the third-party agent, so it expands the application of blockchain. Civil, Bitpress and Matters aim to build news/content distribution platforms based on cryptocurrency and develop new news recommender system to break the echo chamber. If the exchange between cryptocurrency and fiat currency is stable, it will create a sustainable ecosystem for journalism industry. Meanwhile, the tamper-proof trait of blockchain can trace origins of news to control the spread of fake news. Blockchain will be an opportunity to help journalists bring their readers/audience back and have their trust again.
