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篇名 從漢代經學講論覆覈《白虎通義》書名與表現形式
卷期 62
並列篇名 On the Title and the Style of The General Meanings in the White Tiger Hall with the Focus on the Confucian Classic Discussions in the Eastern Han Dynasty
作者 鄭雯馨
頁次 001-048
關鍵字 講論白虎通義五經異義風俗通義通義discussionThe General Meanings in the White Tiger HallDifferent Meanings of the Five ClassicsThe General Meanings for Customsgeneral meaningsTHCI
出刊日期 201809


東漢章帝建初四年( 79A.D.),仿漢宣帝石渠閣議,集合群臣召開白虎觀會議共正經義。會後,由班固匯整編寫君臣討論內容,今傳世者為《白虎通義》。由於《後漢書》記載白虎觀會議「如孝宣甘露石渠故事」,而傳世的《白虎通義》寫作模式與石渠閣議紀錄或有異同,加之以會後集結的書名紛歧,自清末以來頗受爭議。漢代講論經學風氣盛行,官方、民間皆有之,白虎觀會議為講論《五經》異同而召開,因而本文擬從漢代講論經學的背景,探討《白虎通義》的書名與表現形式。首先,白虎觀會議屬於東漢官方講論經學,採取群臣議奏而天子裁決的集議模式。是以本文根據《後漢書》的史料,從官方集議的角度討論與白虎觀會議有關的著作名稱義涵,檢覈清儒之說。接著,東漢學者個人講論經義之說著於竹帛,部分著作流傳至今,可與官方的《白虎通義》相參,以彰後者的表現形式。這部分別為二層剖析:其一,比對同時代且辨別經義的《五經異義》,探討《白虎通義》的論述形式。其二,對照同名為「通義」的《風俗通義》,觀察二者的共同表現,及官方、個人著作可能存在的差異。本文的討論或可為東漢經學發展、經學詮釋的體式演變提供參考。


Focused on Confucian classic discussions, this paper explores the title and the style of The General Meanings in the White Tiger Hall. First, it discusses the differences among the titles of the White Tiger Hall meeting records mentioned in The Book of the Later Han and examines related statements of Qing dynasty scholars. Second, it demonstrates that it is the custom for scholars to discuss Confucian classics and write books about it in the Eastern Han dynasty. Then, it compares The General Meanings in the White Tiger Hall with the Different Meanings of the Five Classics and The General Meanings for Customs. This comparison indicates the features of these books and the way official books differ from non-governmental ones, which leads to a further clarification of the original position of The General Meanings in the White Tiger Hall. Thereby this paper provides insights for future studies on the Confucian classics in the Eastern Han dynasty.
