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篇名 足球短距離傳球混入假動作之攔截準確性
卷期 51:4
並列篇名 The interception accuracy of deceptive short-passing in association football
作者 黃嘉笙楊梓楣
頁次 437-452
關鍵字 環境賦使知覺行動行動能力啟動時宜affordancesperception-actionaction capabilityinitial timingTSSCI
出刊日期 201812
DOI 10.3966/102472972018125104003


緒論:精熟足球員能觀察對手的動作行為,有效地獲取優勢線索以達成足球場上各種攔截動作,然而對手的欺騙與掩飾等假動作,很可能影響防守者攔截的準確率。生態觀點中,動態的行動能力是一種用來解釋視覺導引行動的方式,過去研究證實足球守門員啟動攔截的時間與攔截準確率受個別行動能力的影響。本研究藉由互動式虛擬影像的方式,旨在探討足球員的攔截行為,並檢驗不同傳球距離混入假動作的效應,以評估假動作與傳球距離是否影響攔截傳球的表現。方法: 20名足球員 (平均年齡 21.2 ± 1.6歲) 被招募為實驗參與者,依據行動能力 (最短移動時間 ) 分為兩組,扮演防守者的參與者被要求觀察短距離傳球影片並執行攔截動作,藉此蒐集攔截時的啟動時宜、判斷傳球方向準確率、以及攔截時宜誤差等依變項,採用 2 (行動能力 ) ×6 (傳球距離 ) ×2 (有無假動作 ) 混合設計三因子變異數分析。結果:經資料分析顯示各依變項在傳球距離與假動作有顯著的交互作用;只有在攔截的啟動時宜,混合設計變異數分析指出行動能力有明顯的主效果,意指相較於行動能力慢的防守者,較快者在攔截傳球時有較晚的啟動時宜 (行動快組:496ms、行動慢組: 357ms),當傳球者與防守者之間的距離較短,傳球混入假動作後會引致防守者提早啟動攔截 (假動作: 369ms、無假動作: 447ms),而且會降低判斷方向的準確率,增加攔截的時間誤差。結論:防守者行動能力上的差異會影響攔截的啟動時宜,除此之外,傳球距離與假動作會交互影響攔截動作的判斷與準確性。


Introduction: The skillful football players would pick up the advance cues by observing the movement of opponents to achieve various interceptions on a football field. However, the deceptive and disguise passing movements of the opponents could affect the interception accuracy of defenders. In ecological viewpoint, dynamical action capability is one of measures that interpretive the visual guidance of action. Previous studies had demonstrated individual action capabilities affected the interceptive timing and accuracy of goalkeepers. Through the interactive virtual reality, this study investigated the interception behavior of football players. Moreover, we tested the effect of the deceptive and non-deceptive passing at different distances to assess whether the deception and passing distances affect the interception performance. Methods: Twenty football players (21.2 ± 1.6 years) were recruited and assigned to two groups by action capability (according to the shortest running time). The participants who played the defenders were asked to watch the short-passing films and to intercept the passing. The initial timing, direction accuracy rate, and interception time error, three dependent variables were recorded. The data were analyzed by 2(action capability) ×6(passing distances) ×2(deception) mixed design 3-way ANOVAs. Results: The data analysis demonstrated significant interaction between passing distances and deception in all dependent variables. Only on the initial timing for interception, a mixed design ANOVA showed significant main effect of action capability. The faster defenders revealed later initial timing in comparison with slower defenders (faster group: 496ms; slower group: 357ms). The opponent’s deceptive act induced earlier initiating movement of the defenders (deceptive: 369ms; non-deceptive: 447ms) when passing distance between attacker and defender was short. It also reduced the accuracy of judging direction and increased the time error of interception. Conclusion: The difference of defender’s action capability affects the timing of interception response. Additionally, passing distances and deception interactive influence the judgment and accuracy for interception.
