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篇名 真我體認無作不在的天主神性之氣
卷期 17:2
並列篇名 True-Self Appropriation of God9s Omnipresent Divine Qi
作者 鄭維亮
頁次 035-053
關鍵字 郎尼根真我體認天主神性之氣東方基督教聖傳七層動態意識Lonergantrue-self appropriationGod’s omnipresent Divine QiEastern Christian sacred traditionthe seven-layer dynamic consciousness
出刊日期 201812
DOI 10.3966/168437382018121702002


《聖經》說:「天主是愛。」(若一 4 : 8 )是以,天主的本質就是 「愛」。因此,整個「救恩歷程」可以說是一個在基督之内,分享天主無所不 在充滿祂的「愛」的「天主性」或「天主性體」的「歷程」。《聖經》啟示 說:「天主為愛祂的人所準備的,是眼所未見,耳所未聞,心所未想到的。」 (格前2 : 9)那麼,我們如何去以愛還愛地「真我體驗」或「真我體認」天主 無所不在的「愛」的「天主性」或「天主性體」才對呢?這正是本文要探討的 主題。因此,本文分為五節。在第一節的「導言」後,第二節將簡單介紹天主 無所不在的「神性之氣」。之後,第三節會討論在「七層動態意識」中作「真 我體認」的「心路歷程」。第四節會探討本文的主題:「真我體認」天主無所 不在的「神性之氣」。第五節則是本文的「結論」。


The Holy Scriptures says: “God is love.” (I Jn 4:8) Thus, the very essence or nature of God is love. Simultaneously, the whole process of salvation can be depicted as a process in which all human beings are called to share in Christ the omnipresent divine nature of God (2 Pet 1:2-11). Indeed, the Holy Bible also states: “£ye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”(1 Cor 2:9) Therefore, in our loving response to God’s love, how are we going to verify or appropriate with our true self the omnipresent loving nature of God? This is precisely the main theme of this paper. Hence, this article is divided into five sections. Section I of this article consists of the preface. Afterwards, Section II introduces succinctly God’s omnipresent Divine Qi. Next, Section III explores the seven-layer framework of human consciousness in which the process of true-self appropriation is being conducted. Then, Section IV discusses the main theme of this paper, i.e., true-self appropriation of God’s omnipresent Divine Qi. Finally, Section V is the conclusion of the article.
