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篇名 市場與社會交鋒:電子業與新興化學品管制的形構
卷期 64
並列篇名 Conflict and Compromise Between Market and Social Forces: The Electronics Industry and the Emerging Formulation of Chemical Regulation in Taiwan
作者 邱花妹
頁次 111-170
關鍵字 預警原則生態現代化象徵性立法毒性化學物質管理辦法電子業precautionary principleecological modernizationsymbolic legislationToxic Chemical Substances Control actelectronics industryMEDLINETSSCI
出刊日期 201812
DOI 10.6786/TJS.201812_(64).0003




Since 2000, regulation of the use of chemicals has been one of the most important issues in environmental legislative agendas. REACH legislation in the EU has encouraged new regulations on chemical usage in countries such as Taiwan, where the Toxic Chemical Substances Control Act has undergone amendments since 2011. This study explores dynamic relations among environmental groups, enterprises, and the law-making state. It is noted that the electronics industry, which requires the intensive use of chemicals, was in a similar position in dealing with environmental groups to support the Taiwanese version of REACH. However, the extent to which amendments to the law reflect precautionary values relies on alternating conflict and compromise between market and social forces rather than the simple goodwill of the market. The general characteristics of environmental legislation in Taiwan are also discussed.
