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篇名 《唐律疏議‧ 訟律》沿革考
卷期 37
並列篇名 A Research of The Tang Code’s “Assaults and Accusations”:Developments and Changes
作者 桂齊遜
頁次 001-022
關鍵字 唐律疏議鬬訟律The Tang CodeAssaults and Accusations
出刊日期 201812


《唐律疏議‧鬬訟律》是《唐律》諸篇中的第八篇,凡律文60 條(總第302~361 條),大致可分為兩部分:前38 條(總第302~339)律文主要規定鬥毆方面之刑事犯罪(又可區分為八項細目),後22 條(總第340~361)律文主要規定告訟方面之犯罪(又可區分為四項細目),此即《疏議》所謂:「首論鬥毆之科,次言告訟之事」;故本篇所保障之法益,應含屬個人之生命權、身體權與訴訟權益。關於《唐律疏議‧鬬訟律》之淵源,《唐疏議議》卷首疏議頗有疏漏或訛誤之處;本文認為《唐律疏議‧鬬訟律》之淵源,最早當起於李悝《法經》中的〈賊法〉、〈囚法〉,一變而為《漢律》中的〈賊律〉、〈囚律〉、〈廐律〉、〈告律〉與《漢科》;再變而為魏、晉時代的〈賊律〉與〈告劾律〉;三變而為《北魏律》中的〈鬬律〉;四變而為《北齊律》中的〈鬬訟律〉,隋唐沿而不改。唐代以降,《宋刑統‧鬬訟律》與《唐律疏議‧鬬訟律》略同,惟在編輯體例上二者稍異;《金律》亦有〈鬬訟律〉一篇。而《大元聖政國朝典章‧刑部》中,有〈諸惡〉、〈諸殺〉、〈毆詈〉、〈訴訟〉諸篇;明律、清律的〈刑律〉部份,亦皆有〈人命〉、〈鬬毆〉、〈罵詈〉及〈訴訟〉等規範,略相當於《唐律疏議‧鬬訟律》之規定──凡此均為《唐律‧鬬訟律》在日後的遞嬗變遷。


Dousonglu(“Assaults and Accusations”)is the 8th monograph of Tanglu Shuyi (The Tang Codes). There are 60 articles(No. 302~361) in this monograph, which contains two parts including the first 38 articles are about affrays and the last ones about accusations. Shuyi said: “At first, [the monograph] was legislated to stipulate the punishments for affrays and then for the accusations.” Therefore, Dousonglu tended to protect people’s legal benefits of lives, bodies and litigations. However, when it described the origins of the Tang Code’s Dousonglu there were some mistakes in the preface of Shuyi. This paper considers that the Tang Code’s Dousonglu originated from Li Kui’s Fajing(the Book of Law), which had primarily influenced later five codes, including the Han Code, the Wei Code, the Jin Code, the North Wei Code, and the North Qi Code. In all of these codes, there were relatives articles about affrays and accusations. Then, the Tang Code inherited the North Qi Code’s monograph “Assaults and Accusations” without changes. After the Tang Dynasty, the Song Code had similar articles of “Assaults and Accusations” in spite of some changes only between their edit modes. Thereafter, the following codes including the Jin Code, the Yuan Code, the Ming Code, and the Qing Code all had similar monographs and articles, which could be traced into the Tang Code’s Dousonglu.
