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篇名 台奥多爾•畢布利安德1543年拉丁文古蘭經印刷版之編輯、出版動機及歷史意義
卷期 28
並列篇名 The Quran in Print - Genesis, Motivation and Significance of Theodore Bibliander's 1543 Latin Quran Edition
作者 李克揚
頁次 095-125
關鍵字 畢布利安德古蘭經十六世紀伊斯蘭教宗教改革BiblianderQuran16th centuryIslamReformation
出刊日期 201806
DOI 10.30404/FLS.201806_(28).0004




In 1543, the Swiss philologist and theologian Theodor Bibliander (1505-1564) published the first printed translation of the Quran into Latin in Basel. For the first time, the holy book of Islam was now accessible to a wider European readership. Bibliander believed that his project would benefit Christianity, but the publication was controversial and approved by the City Council of Basel only after months of discussion. This paper intends to examine the historical context and the preceding controversy regarding the 1543 edition of the Quran, as well as Bibliander's motivation and the significance of his Quran for Europe at that time.
