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篇名 高中教師理財態度、理財行爲與理財滿意度路徑關係的探討
卷期 25
並列篇名 The Path Analysis of Financial Attitudes, Financial Behavior and Financial Satisfaction of high school teachers
作者 曾永清林麗純
頁次 075-102
關鍵字 理財態度理財行為理財滿意度結構方程模式financial attitudesfinancial behaviorfinancial satisfactionStructural Equation Model
出刊日期 201812
DOI 10.6231/CEL.2017(25) 03




In order to find whether financial satisfaction is affected by an individual’s financial attitude and his/her financial behavior, a theoretical framework is needed for the financial practitioners to better understand the relationship between the behavior and attitudes of those engaged in financial management. This study used the conceptual model of financial well-being developed by Shim, Xiao, Barber and Lyons (2009) to construct a three-way relational model including the financial attitudes, financial behavior, and financial satisfaction of senior high school teachers. Utilizing SEM method, the results of this study revealed that for the senior high school teachers out of four observational indices for financial attitudes, the variables of “safety” and “autonomy” were significant; for financial behavior, the variables of “financial planning”, “saving and investment”, “break-even” and “credit and debt” were significant. On the other hand, the effectiveness of the “insurance and risk” variable was not significant indicating a symmetrical relation between financial attitudes and financial behavior. According to path analysis, financial attitudes have a direct and positive effect on financial behavior, with 82% standardized significant coefficient. Financial behavior also has a direct and positive effect on satisfaction with financial management, with a standardized effect reaching 58%. Furthermore, the impact of financial attitudes on financial satisfaction was achieved through the practice of financial behavior, with a standardized effect of 48%. Financial satisfaction behavior bears the most direct impact on with financial management.
