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篇名 1950年代國民黨對民眾宣傳臺灣為「復興基地」形象之成效初探
卷期 21
並列篇名 A Study on Kuomintang’s Achievements of “Fuxing Jidi (the Base for the Rivival)” Propaganda in 1950s Taiwan
作者 林佳樺
頁次 035-061
關鍵字 國民黨復興基地建設臺灣文化下鄉政令宣傳宣傳體系KuomintangFuxing JidiState-BuildingCultural MovementPropagandaAnti-CommunismTaiwanTHCI
出刊日期 201811




This study aims to investigate how Kuomintang(the Nationalist Party, KMT)rebuilt its propaganda system in the 1950s, through organizational mobilizationfrom both central and regional committees of theparty after its relocation in Taiwan.Apart from spending heavily on national defense, KMTalsodevoted to promote mass propaganda, especiallyby taking advantage ofradio broadcasting and cinema, which were consideredasthe most effective mediums of propaganda at that time. By educating Taiwanese people through these two types of mass entertainment, KMT shaped and strengthened its policy promotion of “Fuxing Jidi”(Base for Recovery of the Mainland), thereby positioning Taiwan as the ideal stronghold against Communist China.Starting with the establishment of propaganda system, this study examines the courses, contents and tools of KMT’s propaganda in order to demonstrate the achievements on thepromotionof “Building Taiwan as the Fuxing Jidi for Anti-Communism.”
