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篇名 臺灣農業,農業臺灣:戰後初期農業雜誌之刊行與功能(1947-1953)
卷期 21
並列篇名 Taiwan Agriculture and Agricultural Taiwan: Publication and Functionsof Agricultural Magazines after the World War II
作者 李力庸
頁次 146-177
關鍵字 雜誌農政農業推廣農業知識magazineagricultural administrationagricultural extensionagricultural knowledgeTHCI
出刊日期 201811




In 1947, there were many agricultural magazines and journals issuedin Taiwan. Some were published by community organizations, but most by the agricultural organs of the Government. That revealed the determination of the Provincial Government on restoring agriculture development. Like the transition of organizationsof agricultural administration then, the changes of the magazines and journals experienced an exploratory period.A short publication period of《臺灣農業推廣通訊》revealed the failure of copying the Chinese agricultural extension system. The transition from《臺灣農業》to《農友》implied that theFarmers’Association would gradually develop the function of communication with farmers. The“Taiwan Agriculture and Forestry”, which was issued a long period, reflected the transformationof the policy on agriculture and forestry in Taiwan. Except the trained talents in Japanese occupied period, most of the authors were technocrats or persons in the business who came from China. They enthusiastically caught on Taiwan’s agricultural system and characteristics, not only constructed the agricultural knowledge, but also presented suggestions for development. The resumed publication of “JOURNAL OF THE AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION OF CHINA ”represented a great integration of agriculture academic communities in Taiwan. On the one hand, it continued an agriculture academic inheritance. On the other hand, it also collected the opinions of scholars and became one of the representative periodicals.
