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篇名 以雙能量X光吸收儀評估婦女早期停經之腰椎骨質密度變化
卷期 15:2
並列篇名 Using Dual-Energy Absorptiometry Densitometer to Evaluate Lumbar Bone Mineral Density in Early Menopause Women
作者 林郁珮林宏翰曾彥綾田佳玉
頁次 1711-1718
關鍵字 早期停經自然停經腰椎骨質密度Early MenopausePostmenopausalLumbar SpineBone Mineral Density
出刊日期 201906


年齡不外乎是骨折及骨質疏鬆的重要預測指標,從國外文獻及前瞻性研究中得知,40 歲以前停經婦女會有低骨量的風險。採回溯性方式收集做過常規雙能量X 光骨質密度之停經婦女,其年齡介於35-65 歲自然停經及全子宮切除之女性,共計180 位。取得對照組平均停經年齡為51.5±1.3 歲;實驗組平均停經年齡為36.4±3.6 歲,依照皮爾森相關分析顯示,早發性停經婦女的年齡與BMD 值的關聯為0.131,顯著性為0.298,在統計學為低度顯著性的正相關;表示早發性停經的停經年齡與骨質密度有關。對照組56-60 歲組和61-65 歲組的腰椎骨質密度分別為0.981 g/cm2 和0.902 g/cm2,其BMDL 值皆小於1.0 g/cm2,發生骨折的風險會高出4 倍,約有六成以上的早發性停經婦女腰椎T-score 值≤ -2.5,大於60 歲的早發性停經婦女比自然停經的女性有高達2 倍的機率患骨質疏鬆症,故可藉由停經初期測定骨質密度結果,預測老年期骨質疏鬆風險,並適當予以治療。


Age is an important predictor of fractures and osteoporosis. Also known from foreign literature and forward-looking research, women who are menopausal before the age of 40 have a low risk of bone mass. Collecting menopausal women who have done DXA. There are a total of 180 women between the ages of 35 and 65 who have natural menopause and total hysterectomy. The control group was 51.5±1.3 years old; the experimental group was 36.4±3.6 years. Pearson's correlation analysis showed that the age of women with early onset menstruation was associated with a BMD value of 0.131, a significance of 0.298, a statistically low positive correlation. In the control group, the lumbar spine bone density in the 56-60 years old group and the 61-65 years old group were 0.981 g/cm2 and 0.902 g/cm2, respectively, and the BMDL values were all less than 1.0 g/cm2, and the risk of fracture was 4 times higher. Women with early menopause than 60 years have a higher risk of osteoporosis than women who have natural menopause. Predict the risk of osteoporosis by measuring the bone density results at the early menopause, and treat them appropriately.
