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篇名 原發性皮質醛酮症在血管攝影的應用-病例報告
卷期 15:2
並列篇名 Application of Primary Aldosteronism in Angiography - Case Report
作者 劉柏麟王怡琄高誌廷張晉誠
頁次 1719-1724
關鍵字 原發性皮質醛酮症次發性高血壓雙側性腎上腺增生單側性皮質醛酮分泌腺瘤Primary AldosteronismSecondary HypertensionBilateral Adrenal HyperplasiaUnilateral Aldosterone-Producing Adenoma
出刊日期 201906


原發性皮質醛酮症(primary aldosteronism, PA),被認為是最常見的一種次發性高血壓。它常見的兩種亞型:一種是雙側性腎上腺增生(bilateral adrenal hyperplasia, BAH) , 另一種則是單側性皮質醛酮分泌腺瘤(aldosterone-producing adenoma, APA),後者可進行手術以達到治癒次發性高血壓的機會。在血管攝影中,腎上腺靜脈血取樣(adrenal venous sampling, AVS),可以區分出PA 是哪一種亞型,而AVS 的定側(lateralization)結果是手術治療前最重要的檢查項目。


Primary aldosteronism (PA) is considered to be the most common type of secondary hypertension. The human adrenal gland secretes some hormones such as aldosterone and cortisol. When excessive aldosterone is secreted, it make people become hypertension . There are two main subtypes: one is bilateral adrenal hyperplasia (BAH), and the other is a benign unilateral aldosterone -producing adenoma (APA).The latter can be treated with surgery to achieve the opportunity to cure secondary hypertension. In angiography, adrenal venous sampling (AVS) can distinguish the subtypes between BAH and APA and the result of lateralization is the most important examination before surgery.
