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篇名 建構重型帆船場域之評估準則
卷期 6
並列篇名 Developing the assessment principles of keelboat field
作者 李孟璁游百合侯英傑
頁次 055-068
關鍵字 重型帆船場域評估環境屬性層級分析法keelboatfield assessmentsetting attributeanalytic hierarchy process
出刊日期 201508




The study collected the literature and data about keelboat and field assessment total 65 principles, then through sailing industry supervisors and familiar with sailing experts total 19 to filter out 21 principles of the right field assessment. Combining setting attributes theory and analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to separate keelboat field assessment principles into two layers. There are 4 criteria and 21 principles in first layer. The 4 criteria are physical environmental attribute, social environmental attribute, management environmental attribute and activities facility management attribute. This study interviews with 21 experts for AHP equipped a class sailing instructors, sailing national event top five players and sailing industry supervisors. The results of this study show that physical environmental attribute (0.469) is most important attribute, then activities facility management attribute (0.241), management environmental attribute (0.177) and social environmental attribute (0.113) follow. The top six in second layer are wind speed and swept area wide (0.180), water velocity and depth appropriate level (0.100),coastal landforms (0.073),providing medical and washing equipment (0.072),local tides and waves (0.067) and wharf has plenty of parking position(0.061). The results of this study know that physical environmental attribute is the main factor to determine activity field. Wind speed and swept area wide and water velocity and depth appropriate level are the most important two factors. The study not only provides some suggestions for administration to evaluate keelboat field but also provides suggestions to evaluate Taiwan5s keelboat field in the future.
