
Tamsui Oxford Journal of Information and Mathematical Sciences Scopus

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篇名 Relations for the moments of dual generalised order statistics from exponentiated Pareto type I distribution
卷期 33:1
作者 Devendra KumarNeetu Jain
頁次 010-029
關鍵字 Sampledual generalized order statisticsrecord valuessingle and product momentsrecurrence relationsexponentiated Pareto type I distributionScopus
出刊日期 201907



The exponentiated Pareto type I distribution is used as a model for the distribution of city populations within a given area. In this paper, we have considered the dual generalized order statistics from this distribution. We obtained exact explicit expressions as well as recurrence relations for single and product moments of dual generalized order statistics from generalized Pareto distribution. Then, we use these results, we have tabulated the first four moments, skewness and kurtosis of order statistics from samples of sizes up to 10 for various values of the parameters.
