
Tamsui Oxford Journal of Information and Mathematical Sciences Scopus

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篇名 Applications of von Neumann Algebras to Rigidity Problems of (2-step) Riemannian (Nil-)Manifolds
卷期 33:1
作者 Hamid-Reza Fana¨ıAtefeh Hasan-Zadeh
頁次 056-061
關鍵字 Von Neumann algebras2-step nilmanifoldsFree and ergodic actionsDerivationsAutomorphismsScopus
出刊日期 201907



In this paper, basic notions of von Neumann algebra and its direct analogous in the realm of groupoids and measure spaces have been considered. By recovering the action of a locally compact Lie group from a crossed product of a von Neumann algebra, other proof of one of a geometric proposition of O’Neil and an extension of it has been proposed. Also, using the advanced exploration of nilmanifolds in measure spaces and their corresponding automorphisms (Lie algebraic derivations) a different proof of an analytic proposition of Gordon and Mao has been attained. These two propositions are of the most important ones for rigidity problems of Riemannian manifolds especially 2-step nilmanifolds.
