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篇名 「用飲元馬土乘馬匜」再探──兼論匜器諸點
卷期 3
並列篇名 Revisit “Yong Yin Yuan Mu Cheng Ma Yi” : Explore the Possible Usages of Yis
作者 陳厚任
頁次 001-052
關鍵字 用飲元馬土乘馬匜會匜Yong Yin Yuan Mu Cheng Ma yiTHCI
出刊日期 201812


張光裕先生於第二十八屆中國文字學國際學術研討會中,發表〈新見「用飲元馬土乘馬匜」銘試釋〉一文,認為銘文所記為器主鑄造此匜,用以載飲漿,於出行或出征前,為車馬隊中首四批駕車雄馬進行餵飼,使精壯馬匹氣力飽足,或藉以鼓勵士氣。然筆者認為,銘文中未言作器者,且通體平素,如作為鼓勵士氣的宣示作用,似乎稍嫌不足。且認為銘文仍有可供討論之處。故擬重新討論「以=盥」句,以期能對銘文及器用有更進一步的釋讀及疏通。匜器作為自西周中期所興,取代盉,與盤成為水器組合之禮器。就張先生所言,銘文內容所述,此器或有別於一般盥洗用匜,鑄器原因為金文首見。故筆者擬使用吳鎮烽先生所著《商周青銅器銘文暨圖像集成》、《商周青銅器銘文暨圖像集成續編》兩書中所收,共計170 件匜器,針對匜器之自名,如旅匜、旅盤匜、盥盤、會浣、媵匜等,關注其器用,並藉以反思此器之用。


Around Early Western Zhou, Yi (匜) was paired up with Pan (盤) as ritual water vessel after taking He’s( 盉) place. On the 28th International Chinese Etymology Conference, Kwong Yue CHEUNG presented a paper entitled 〈新見 「用飲元馬土乘馬匜」銘試釋〉. CHEUNG states that the owner casts Yong Yin Yuan Mu Cheng Ma yi (用飲元馬土乘馬匜) for two purposes: (1) Energize the first four horses of the chariots fleet by feeding water to them; (2) Boost the troops’ morale before a warfare. According to the inscriptions on Yong Yin Yuan Mu Cheng Ma yi, CHEUNG further argues the purposes of this vessel are different from other Yis which serve as toiletry utensils. In other words, the purpose of this casting was unprecedented. However, the inscriptions on Yong Yin Yuan Mu Cheng Ma yi do not mention its owner (or creator). Furthermore, the inscriptions are written in plain style. Namely, whether the owner uses this Yi as a ritual vessel to boost the troops’ morale remain unanswered. This paper will revisit 「以=盥」in the inscriptions and examine the 170 Yis in 吳鎮烽’s 《商周青銅器銘文暨圖像集成》 and 《商周青銅器銘文暨圖像集成續編》,such as 旅匜, 旅盤匜, 盥盤, 會浣, 媵匜 to explore the possible usages of Yi.
