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篇名 探討重複開案受虐兒童家庭特質及社工處遇
卷期 36
並列篇名 A Study of Child Abuse Families in the Circle of Violence and Social Work Treatment
作者 林明禛
頁次 033-056
關鍵字 兒童保護個案施虐者處遇生活模型重複開案child abuser treatmentlife modelcircle of violence
出刊日期 201906


兒童保護工作會出現個案處遇結案後,再次受暴而被通報通稱「重複開案」或「重複進案」;這般個案家庭背負著何種問題因素,以致淪為暴力的漩渦。兒保服務工作以家庭為對象,本文從生態系統觀點的生活模型(life model)觀點,以「環境的特質」、「生活中的問題」及「人與環境的調和度」概念,分析180 個屬重複開案組的兒童受虐個案紀錄,同時對照180 件屬一般開案組的案例比較;大致而言,二類組均有相同問題,惟重複開案組的嚴重程度高於一般開案,部分問題需求也有顯著性差異。發現如下:福利資源外,正式資源連結偏低、人際網絡資源連結明顯不足、重複開案施虐者生涯發展階段危機略高、重複開案施虐者偏差心理較多、離婚因素對這些家庭有一定衝擊、施虐者背負外在壓力普遍不容忽視、人際關係失功能對重複開案家庭影響因素重大。至於顯著性差異包括:施虐者照顧負荷、家中特殊成員學校適應壓力、施虐者人際關係失功能、來自家庭學校與經濟等生活壓力等,重複開案組顯著高於一般開案組。助人者對施虐者的專業處遇其實是不到位,協助面對生活「適應性」服務內容項目少、提供扮演與社會互動的「互惠性」處遇不足,增進「勝任」社會角色的介入更顯闕如。施虐者問題需求反映心理暨社會適應的難題,向為社會工作專業宣稱專擅的技術;社會工作者當深思對於施虐者採行更寬廣視野介入,以更多的接納、陪伴與同理方式,進入施虐者世界,放棄以為「客觀的觀察者」助人態度,拒絕制式生冷的法令知識,與施虐者一起共同探討問題,聆聽隱藏的聲音,或許會有更好的服務績效。


This research investigates the child abuse cases in circle of violence. After treatment, being the case is termination, some families will be re-informed again, because of family violence. So, we select 180 re-informed cases, as same quantity of general child abuse family cases, to analysis and compare, in point of view by life model, ecological system. The re-informed and the general cases are to be with the same problem for the families, although the re-informed are more serious usually. They are all lack of formal resource combined, also with poor human relationship. These parents of respondent used to be with deviation psychology, behavior, and crisis stage of development. Dysfunction of family system and human relationship for the respondent, lead to the case be re-informed. The treatment of social worker helping the respondent more adaptive, interaction and competent acting as the role, is insufficient. Dysfunction of the psychology and social relationship are seems to be obvious for the parents of respondent in these cases. Social worker should be more broad-minded when interventing, discarded as an objective observer, exploring the problems of the abuser.
