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篇名 龍膽瀉肝湯的臨床驗案解析
卷期 21:1
並列篇名 Clinical reports and analysis about Long-Dan-Xie-Gan-Tang (LDXGT) decoction
作者 許堯欽吳重廷
頁次 029-035
關鍵字 龍膽瀉肝湯帶狀皰疹念珠菌陰道炎乾癬慢性蕁麻疹Long-Dan-Xie-Gan-Tang decoctionherpes zosterCandida vaginitispsoriasischronic urticaria
出刊日期 201906




The Long-Dan-Xie-Gan-Tang (LDXGT) decoction frequently used in clinical situation is derived from the ancient works of Yi-Fang-Ji-Jie,and consists of Gentian, Scutellaria, Gardenia, Alisma, Mutong, Plantago seed, Tangkuei, dried Rehmannia, Bupleurum, Licorice. When we use LDXGT decoction, we should focus on the two main pathogenesis of and the dampness-heat syndrome of liver meridian and liver Upflaming of liver fire. And then by properly adding some other drugs with LDXGT decoction, we can treat many other different disease. For example, we can add drugs that clear Qi heat, supplement the blood in LDXGT decoction to treat herpes zoster of head;we can add drugs that clear dampheat and nourishing Yin in LDXGT decoction to treat candida vaginitis;we can add drugs that clear blood heat and supplement kidney yin in LDXGT decoction to treat psoriasis with cardiac arrhythmia;we can add drugs that clear lung heat and supplement blood in LDXGT decoction to treat chronic urticaria;we can add drugs nourishing Yin and clear lung heat in LDXGT decoction to treat varicocele with unknown fever
