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篇名 唐代中、日兩國官學經學教育之關聯——以《唐六典》、《令義解》之記載為例
卷期 22
並列篇名 On the Relations between – The Case of Tang Liudian and Ryo No Gige
作者 洪銘吉
頁次 035-068
關鍵字 唐六典令義解經學經學教育Tang LiudianRyo No GigeClassical StudiesClassical Education
出刊日期 201906




According to ancient Japanese history, during the reign of Empress Suiko, Prince Shotoku asked Ono no Imoko to serve as Japanese envoy for the Sui empire. Since then, Japan kept sending envoys to China till the end of Tang Dynasty. By the end of Tang Dynasty, Japan had sent envoys and students to China more than 20 times. In 200 years, Japanese scholars, monks and students brought the governmental system and laws back to Japan to build its own institution, including the Tang education institution. The development of the institutions of the classical studies in governmental school was influenced by classics, mentors, students and the system of imperial examination. Classics are the subjects taught in governmental schools and the ones who made definitions for them; teachers are the qualification of teaching the subjects and the way they teach; students are the identity and qualification of the governmental schools; the testing system is the system that picks the qualified people to work in government. The four elements are strongly related to the characteristics and development of the classic studies in governmental school. This paper uses Tang liudian and Ryo No Gige to compare the development of the classical studies in the governmental schools of the both sides, and to figure out the influence of education of Tang empire on the Japanese classical studies in Japanese governmental school.
