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篇名 評估比較LiveABC和AMC課程教材軟體平台使用
卷期 22
並列篇名 Comparisons Between Two College English Courses’ Materials: LiveABC vs AMC
作者 卓淑美左綉靜林佳玉
頁次 085-114
關鍵字 大一大二英文多益閱讀及聽力LiveABCAMC教材平台軟體課程評量freshman and sophomore EnglishTOEIC reading and listeningtextbook softwarecourse evaluation
出刊日期 201906


推陳出新的教用書及學習平台不斷在標榜其助益學習英文為國際語言的顯著成效,但對於在大專院校實體教學驗證成果上仍然有缺憾不足之處 此研究針對此缺憾不足之處欲提供研究發現並評估探討大一LiveABC和大二英文AMC課教材軟體平台在台灣弘光科技大學2015年十月2016年四月期間使用狀況。除了多益閱讀及聽力前後測成績,此研究亦針對老師及學生進行問卷調查。結果顯示AMC課程教材軟體平台使用頗受好評,其中閱讀進步成效優於聽力。英語教師一般態度傾向認同AMC課程教材軟體平台使用成效,而學生反應雖未達顯著卻也同時呼應AMC課程教材軟體平台使用較接近學生理想中教材配套品質。


While new textbooks and web-based software are constantly appearing to help learners of English as an International Language, there is a dearth of studies which assess the actual performance of such materials in real teaching/learning contexts. This study contributes to filling this gap by reporting an evaluation of the LiveABC and American Magazine Centre (AMC) textbooks and software, used at a technology university in Taiwan (HungKuang) between October 2015 and April 2016, respectively with freshmen and sophomores. Data was gathered in the form of TOEIC reading and listening scores before and after the courses were used, to measure success, and questionnaire surveys of attitudes of teachers and students, to measure user satisfaction. Test scores show unambiguously that the AMC course was more successful, although student improvement was in reading scores rather than listening. Teacher attitudes also clearly favoured AMC rather than LiveABC, while student responses, though less definite, gave some indication that AMC might possess more of what they regarded as the ideal qualities of a textbook.
