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篇名 運用眼動儀探索學習英文為國際語言學習者對網頁視覺和文體設計:以台灣中部某科技大學學生使用Livemocha為例
卷期 22
並列篇名 Employing Eye Tracking to Evaluate Visual and Content Webpage Design for EIL Learners: The Case of Technology University Students in Central Taiwan Using Livemocha
作者 卓淑美劉鑑儀邱雯琳
頁次 115-136
關鍵字 Livemocha眼動儀視覺界面設計網頁設計閱讀eye trackingvisual interface designwebpage designreading
出刊日期 201906


在評估Web 2.0學習網站中,許多因素常被考慮在內,例如視覺設計,教學內容,和多元科技綜合運用。此外也包含專家評估或學習者問卷使用態度。此研究希望進一步藉由多元評估創新方式,即眼動儀,來探討閱讀不同網頁設計可能產生的不同學習成效。此研究設計不同Livemocha學習網站內文網頁,並運用眼動儀來觀察並測量在九種分類網頁視覺設計下眼動差異性(例:深色或淺色背景)及教學內容(例:有無主題)。六位英文主修台灣科技大學學生自願參與此研究。結果發現網頁出現多重或較長內文並無造成對參與測試者太大影響;但對凸顯關鍵字可促進閱讀成效;至於不相關廣告和缺乏主題或相關圖片會有不同程度影響。本研究並進一步探討未來如何藉由眼動儀研究增進教學效能及網頁設計。


In the evaluation of Web 2.0 language learning websites, various aspects to be evaluated are often distinguished, such as the visual design, the pedagogical content, and the involvement of multiple technologies (Liu et al., 2011). In order to make evaluative judgments the methods commonly used include expert judgment by inspection of the website, or user judgment obtained from surveys of learner attitude (Chwo et al., 2013). This study aims to contribute to this range of evaluation methods by exploiting a relatively new research tool, eye tracking, to help establish the effects on reading of different webpage design options. We took as an example the information presented on screen introducing writing tasks and, based on the types given in the Livemocha website (ref.), devised webpages allowing us to measure how eye movement related effects differ with nine binary webpage choices ranging from visual design (e.g. dark or light background) to pedagogical content (e.g. presence or absence of a task title). Six English major Taiwanese learners participated. Results suggest that multiple or longer tasks presented on one webpage did not cause problems for our participants, and marking key words in red font was effective, while irrelevant adverts, and absence of a title or pictures had different negative effects. Issues arising include how exactly to improve eye tracking studies in future to better aid the teacher and webpage designer.
