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篇名 毒品成癮者及其家人在家庭功能與家庭需求之比較
卷期 8:2
並列篇名 The comparison of the family functions and family demand among the drug abusers and those family members
作者 劉亦純李昆樺蔡協利
頁次 067-099
關鍵字 毒品成癮毒癮者家屬家庭功能家庭支持家庭需求drug addictionfamily functionfamily supportfamily demand
出刊日期 201905
DOI 10.6905/JC.201905_8(2).0003


目的: 毒品成癮者能否順利重返社會、戒除毒癮,家庭一直是重要關鍵因素之一; 但毒癮者與不同家屬角色對於家庭需求、家庭功能與家庭支持的看法是否有 差異,雖有少數研究探討,卻始終缺乏整合性論述。 方法: 採用量化與質性研究並行,以南部某戒治所2011 年接受戒癮處遇的毒癮者 及其家屬為研究對象,共計86 名家屬、164 名毒癮者完成基本資料表、家 庭支持量表、家庭功能量表,並進行統計考驗比較;另有5 組毒癮者及其 家屬接受質性訪談,以釐清家庭需求、家庭功能與家庭支持,在吸毒前、吸 毒後與戒治後的變化。 結果: 量化方面,毒癮者自認為家庭功能優於家屬所認為,也認為家屬提供的實質 性支持比家屬所認為還要高;以不同親等的家屬進行比較,以父母認為的家 庭功能為最高、衝突最少;質性研究顯示,毒癮者的家庭功能本就較缺乏「督 導功能」、「人際溝通」和「問題解決」,開始接觸毒品後,讓毒癮者原本 不足的家庭功能出現更多危機,但在接受戒治之後,因家庭內聯繫的受限 制、與專業輔導人力介入,而展現較多「家庭凝聚力」與「家庭責任」。 結論與建議: 不論吸毒前後,毒癮者與其家屬原有的家庭功能與家庭支持即處於其 特有的平衡狀態,原生家庭的父母親對於吸毒子女的高包容性、也更 習於家庭內的責任分配與互動模式,入所戒治則提供整體家庭重新學 習正向情感表達與情感支持的契機。另一方面,因毒癮者在家內角色 功能的邊緣化,「戒癮」成為整體家庭議題,建議可強化毒癮者在家 庭中的角色責任,祈能順利回歸家庭。


The Purposes :Family often plays as a crucial role for abstinence and life adjustment on illicit drugs abusers. In general, different perspectives of family interaction will be found between drug abuser and whose family. However, little study comprehensively identified the differences on families function, family needs and family support between drug abusers and whose families. Method :Both qualitative and quantitative designs conducted in this study. In 2011, illicit drug abusers and whose families were recruited in the present study. After inform consented, 164 illicit drug abusers and 86 family members completed personal information, family support questionnaire and family function scale. Additionally, five-paired illicit drug abusers and whose families were interviewed in order to clarify the relationships among family demand, family support and family function. Results :Regarding quantitative results, several significant differences were found in terms of subscale of substantial supports in family support questionnaire, sum scores, subscales of communication, problem-solving, independence, family duty and family conflict of family function questionnaire between illicit drug abusers and whose families. About qualitative results, we found perceived beliefs of family demand were inconsistent between illicit drug abusers and whose families, and they overly emphasized recent status and severity of addiction in illicit drug abusers rather than the whole family demand. Conclusions and Suggestions :Our result showed a special balance between family function and family support on drug abusers and whose families. In other words, these families not only were used to highly accept drug-taking behaviors of drug abusers, but also developed compensatory roles in duty and family interaction for drug abusers who were away from family. During drug abuse treatment, drug abusers will have many chances to relearn to express positive feelings and provide supports. Finally, taking more responsibility in family is very important to strengthen when drug abusers undergo drug abuse treatment.
