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篇名 《元詩百一鈔》與乾嘉詩壇的元詩接受──兼論此本在《五朝詩別裁集》的定位問題
卷期 49:3
並列篇名 The Yuanshi baiyi chao and the Reception of Yuan Poetry in the Qianjia Period: A Discussion of Its Poetic Value and Its Position in the Wuchaoshi biecai ji
作者 陳漢文
頁次 465-504
關鍵字 《元詩別裁集》《元詩百一鈔》《五朝詩別裁集》沈德潛Yuanshi biecai ji 元詩別裁集Yuanshi baiyi chao 元詩百一鈔Wuchaoshi biecai ji 五朝詩別裁集Shen Deqian 沈德潛THCI
出刊日期 201909
DOI 10.6503/THJCS.201909_49(3).0003


張景星(生卒年不詳)、姚培謙 (1693-1766)、王永祺 (1701-1766) 合編的《元詩百一鈔》,被整合入《五朝詩別裁集》後,更名為《元詩別裁集》。《百一鈔》於乾隆二十九年 (1764) 出版,部分內容取資姚培謙《元詩自攜》而有所補充。在這樣選錄和增補之下,「元詩」被重新塑造,形成特定的內容取向和藝術風貌,而《百一鈔》在沈德潛(1673-1769) 唐、明、清三部別裁集之後付梓,它在乾嘉元詩接受史有何詩學意義?本文通過上述《百一鈔》的內部和外部諸問題,試為它在《五朝詩別裁集》的定位提出以下看法:《百一鈔》在編纂水平上雖與沈氏別裁集有一段距離,然而此本成功突顯元詩的藝術價值,並對元詩遠播海內外起了積極的作用。


The Yuanshi biecai ji 元詩別裁集 is a well-known Yuan poetry collection that was integrated into the Wuchaoshi biecai ji 五朝詩別裁集 in the mid-Qing period. The collection, originally titled the Yuanshi baiyi chao 元詩百一鈔, was anthologized by the Qing scholars Zhang Jingxing 張景星 (n.d.), Yao Peiqian 姚培謙 (1693-1766), and Wang Yongqi 王永祺 (1701-1766), and published in the 29th year of Qianlong’s reign (1764). The text’s content was partially taken from Yao Peiqian’s Yuanshi zixi 元詩自攜 with some additional selections. This article demonstrates that the Yuanshi baiyi chao projects a specific facet of Yuan dynasty poetry, one which represents different views toward poetic expressions and styles. By situating this specific facet of Yuan verse in the poetry criticism of the Qianjia period, I argue that the Yuanshi baiyi chao has its own distinctive features and that it differs from other collections in the Wuchaoshi biecai ji. I further suggest that the Yuanshi baiyi chao should retain its original name in order to emphasize its poetic value as well as its contribution to the dissemination of Yuan era poetry both in China and overseas.
