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篇名 宜蘭縣低海拔山區不同類型棲地之鴟鴞科組成與分布
卷期 16
並列篇名 Distribution and Components of Owls between Different Habitat Types in Low-altitude Mountains in Yilan County
作者 胡林志何華仁邱嘉德侯毅倫黃仲霙
頁次 001-013
關鍵字 鴟鴞科多樣性指數均勻度指數低海拔山區哺乳類owldiversity indexevenness indexlow-altitude mountainmammal
出刊日期 201610


宜蘭近郊台7 丁公路末端自雙連埤至福山植物園沿途皆有人為經營造成的不同棲地類型,為瞭解這些棲地類型是否造成夜行性猛禽(鴟鴞科)分布與組成的差異,自2010 年11 月至2012 年12 月於本區進行每月兩次調查。調查結果共紀錄6 種鴟鴞科,包括褐林鴞、黃魚鴞2 種珍稀之大型貓頭鷹。分析調查結果顯示,回播與否對於調查所得鴟鴞科的種類與數量並無明顯影響。天候因素中,鴟鴞科僅受風力影響較大,風大時出現情況較低,推測風大會影響其活動或降低被偵測機會,晴雨天則影響不大。比較鴟鴞科在四季與不同棲地類型的多樣性指數,結果顯示四季並無明顯差異,但不同棲地類型間鴟鴞科的多樣性指數與均勻度指數呈現明顯差異,主要經營保護區與邊坡道路帶明顯有差異,推測後者是缺乏平坦的棲地所致;前者與觀光開墾區無明顯差異,推測主要受不同種類棲地轉換之因,或分別為不同種偏好棲地類型所影響。這三種棲地間,多樣性、均勻度指數、物種與數量的平均值皆以保護區最高,顯示保育性的經營管理對物種棲地具有實質成效。此外,本調查亦紀錄到8 科12 種中大型哺乳類動物。


There is large-scale development in low-altitude mountains in Yilan county. We surveyed the distribution and components of owls and medium-to-large mammals of 3 different habitats twice per month along the road between Shuanglianpi and Fushan Botanical Garden during Nov. 2010 and Dec. 2012. According to our results, we recorded 6 species of owls in the study area. The responses of owls had no significant difference whether we played the owl calls or not. The strong wind is the only weather factor that affected the activity of the owls. We analyzed Shannon- Wiener diversity index of the owls. There is no significant difference among seasons. The index of Fushan area which was established to reserve the habitat of the wildlife is higher than the medianroad habitat. While Shannon-Wiener diversity index and Pielou's evenness index of the owls between Fushan area and Shuanglianpi area are similar. We considered that the study area in the low-altitude mountains in Yilan county is also suited to those animals we recorded.
