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篇名 探討瑜珈對糖尿病患者之血糖與血脂成效之整合分析
卷期 30:3=107
並列篇名 The Effects of Yoga on Glycemia and Lipidemia Control in Patients with Diabetes: Meta-Analysis
作者 張曉雲劉芊葳林昕璇曾麗娥劉美鳳
頁次 318-332
關鍵字 瑜珈糖尿病整合分析yogadiabetesmeta-analysis
出刊日期 201909
DOI 10.6386/CGN.201909_30(3).0004


背景:糖尿病為國人十大死因之一,其造成的後遺症不容忽視,是目前急需要自我控制改善的慢性疾病。瑜珈運動可以調節身體機能、達到身心平衡,陸續有學者探討瑜珈對於糖尿病病人執行瑜珈的成效,但國內文獻中鮮少提供具體實證性結論。目的:本研究經由文獻整合分析探討瑜珈對於糖尿病病人血糖與血脂控制之成效。方法:搜尋七個中英文資料庫,使用關鍵字瑜珈(yoga) 和糖尿病(diabetes) 進行搜尋,時間自2008 年1 月至2018 年6 月,依納入與排除條件篩選文章,以modified Jadad quality scale 評值文獻品質,並使用RevMan 5.3.5 軟體進行統合分析。結果:最後納入12 篇文獻符合篩選標準,實驗組有691 位執行瑜珈運動;控制組502 位執行一般衛教或伸展運動。分析結果顯示瑜珈實驗組在空腹血糖-FPG (p < .001; EF:4.16)、糖化血色素-HbA1c (p < .001; EF:5.21)、高密度脂蛋白-HDL (p < .01; EF:2.50)與低密度脂蛋白-LDL(p < .004; EF:2.90) 皆比控制組有顯著成效,顯示持續性的瑜珈課程對於血糖與血脂的控制有顯著性效果。結論:糖尿病病人平時規律的服藥控制,倘若再加上瑜珈輔助治療,對於血糖與血脂控制皆有顯著性改善。


Background: Diabetes and its complications are among one of the top 10 causes of death in Taiwan. It is a chronic disease that requires a self-management for improvement. Yoga exercise can regulate body functions in order to balance between body and mind. Some scholars have explored the effectiveness of performing yoga for diabetic patients. However, conclusive evidence is limited in Taiwan. Purposes: This study synthesized the effects of yoga on glycaemia and lipidemia in patients with diabetes. Methods: The systematic review and meta-analysis was undertaken to search seven Chinese and English databases with the following keywords: yoga and diabetes from Jan 2008 to Jun 2018. The articles were selected by inclusive and exclusive criteria and appraise the quality of the study by modified Jadad quality scale. The RevMan 5.3.5 software was used to perform the meta-analysis. Results: A total of 12 eligible study was included, including 691 patients in experimental group with yoga exercises and 502 people in control group with regular health education and/or stretching exercises. The findings indicated that yoga exercise has significantly improved effects on FPG (p < .001; EF: 4.16), HbA1c (p < .001; EF: 5.21), HDL (p < .01; EF: 2.50), and LDL (p < .004; EF: 2.90). Conclusion: Patients with diabetes with regular medications in addition to yoga as complementary therapy have a significantly better control of blood sugar and blood lipid.
