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篇名 R.Steiner靈性科學觀點下幼兒生命的本質與發展
卷期 21
並列篇名 The Nature and Development of Early Childhood in R. Steiner's Spiritual Science
作者 梁可憲王智弘
頁次 039-058
關鍵字 施泰納靈性科學人智學業力幼兒發展SteinerSpiritual ScienceAnthroposophyKarmaEarly Childhood Development
出刊日期 201901


本研究從R. Steiner靈性科學觀點出發,詮釋業力法則與靈性生命的本質開展歷程。透過文獻的理解及再詮釋,闡述幼兒生命的靈性本質及其生命的發展與創化,進而導出教育蘊義。論述內容包括:人智學靈性科學教育觀、人智學的教育哲學基礎、靈性本質如何驅動幼兒的生命發展、0歲前的發展與創化、幼兒入世後的生命創化等。研究結果指出:一、靈性發展本身即為生命之目的,係超越生與死的延續與循環;二、每個幼兒都是獨一無二的神性 (靈性) 個體,都帶著專屬的個人目的投入此生;三、教育的奧義務期看見幼兒累世承載的業果,並開創今生的善業;四、根源於「世界為善」的基本動力,透過模仿與典範學習發展良好品行。未來幼兒教育的新典範或可從人智學的靈性觀獲得啟示。


The research is based on Spiritual Science, also known as Anthroposophy, which was founded by R. Steiner, to interpret the law of karma and essence of spiritual life of human being. The picture of early-childhood education in the light of Anthroposophy involves the source of life, stages of development, and the purpose of education. The conclusions are: 1. Life is for the development of the spirit itself. 2. Every child has his/her own unique and individual spirit and purpose. 3. Educators must see the spiritual life picture holistically, including karmic conditions. 4. Children imitate everything around them and set their body foundation which will make their future health and creativity possibly developed. Therefore, good simple life and life rhythm are essential in early childhood. Facing the crisis on materialism and modernity, Spiritual Science might inspire a new paradigm of early-childhood education.
