
臺灣師大歷史學報 THCI

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篇名 廣西反瞞產運動的成因和影響
卷期 62
並列篇名 The Causes and Effects of the Anti-Concealment of Harvests Campaign in Guangxi Province
作者 王力堅
頁次 097-142
關鍵字 廣西大躍進人民公社反瞞產運動大饑荒Guangxithe Great Leap ForwardPeople’s Communethe Anti- Hidden Grain Production movementthe Great FamineTHCI
出刊日期 201912
DOI 10.6243/BHR.201912_(62).0003


伴隨著大躍進如火如荼進行之際,1958 年底至1960 年初,中共當局在大陸鄉村先後進行了兩次反瞞產運動。反瞞產是集體化(合作社/人民公社)的產物,集體化運動發展高潮的1958 年,成為引發全國各地反瞞產運動的重要年分。就廣西而言,1958 年的形勢表現,主要從「浮誇風氣下的糧食大豐收」、「超前成立人民公社」、「糧食供給制與酬勞工資制」三方面引發反瞞產運動。1958 年的形勢給了廣西當局一個誤判的支點, 即起自1958 年大躍進高潮中虛構了農業大豐收的假象,在「大豐收」基礎上進行的高徵購無法落實,自然就質疑糧食被農民瞞產私分。由此發動的反瞞產運動,其實就是一個由誤判到騎虎難下,最終造成巨大悲劇的過程。


From the end of 1958 to the beginning of 1960, the Chinese Communist government conducted two “anti-concealment of harvests” campaigns in the nation’s rural areas. These campaigns were the result of the collectivization movement then sweeping China; the height of the collectivization movement in 1958 was thus accompanied by an intensification of the anti-concealment campaign. In Guangxi province, the anti-concealment of harvests campaign was the result of three main factors: inflation of grain production figures, the establishment of people’s communes ahead of schedule, and the workings of the grain supply and wage payment system. Because of the confluence of these three factors, authorities in Guangxi vastly overestimated actual grain production figures. Suspecting that the villagers were hiding their abundant harvests, the authorities launched an anti-concealment of harvests campaign there. The campaign once launched proved difficult to stop; the result was a tragedy of immense proportions.
