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篇名 責任能力調查與監護處分執行現況之探討
卷期 9:1
並列篇名 Exploring the Present Situation about Investigating Criminal Responsibility and the Enforcement of Rehabilitative Measures
作者 吳忻穎林晉佑
頁次 071-107
關鍵字 精神障礙司法精神鑑定刑罰理論特別預防責任能力罪責事由證據偵查實務證據調查保安處分監護處分Mental DisordersForensic Psychiatry AssessmentSpecial Prevention TheoryOffenders with Mental illnessRehabilitative MeasuresDisposition of CustodyCriminal ResponsibilityCustodial ProtectionTheory of Punishment
出刊日期 202001
DOI 10.6905/JC.202001_9(1).0003




This article is concerned about offenders with mental illness addiction. At the beginning, we bridged the theory of punishment with rehabilitative measures. Then, we explore how to judge the person who has the recognizing ability and control ability or not in his behavioral time, and the meaning of the judicial forensic psychiatry assessment in the perspective of judicial practice. No matter we take the second order theory of criminal (Zweistufentheorie) or the third order theory of criminal (Dreistufentheorie), those all contain the difference of rechtswidrigkeit and responsibility. Criminal justice practice always focuses on collecting evidences to prove the person whose rechtswidrigkeit in the behavioral time. As for the evidence of proving the guilt, it’s not always the point under investigation, or becomes the minor. In order to realize the mental disorders under the special prevention theory, this article is based on the criminal investigation practice and enforcement to put forward dilemmas and solutions about the evidences of criminal responsibility, judicial forensic psychiatry assessment, and the necessity of disposition of custody which includes legislation, institutionalism and the practical advices of ideals to sum up this article.
