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篇名 我國科技設備監控之發展回顧與未來展望
卷期 9:1
並列篇名 Retrospect and Prospect of Electronic Monitoring of Sexual Offenders in Taiwan
作者 陳佑杰張耀中
頁次 171-196
關鍵字 科技設備監控中間制裁措施社區處遇政策評估electronical monitoringintermediate sanctionscommunity treatmentpolicy evaluation
出刊日期 202001
DOI 10.6905/JC.202001_9(1).0006




Electronic monitoring of sexual offenders in Taiwan has been used for 14 years. Looking back at previous amendments to the Sexual Assault Prevention Act, it was found that offences were all related to major sexual assault crimes. Various historical backgrounds indicate that the trend of anti-social sexual assault in Taiwanese society is increasingly biased towards social defence and public safety. This session discusses the results of a statistical analysis of offenders who have been supervised by authorities to date. Cost-benefit analysis will help to answer questions such as - is the investment budget and related costs reasonable? Can the program achieve its maximum benefit? In addition, from the perspective of preventing recidivism - can the implementation of electronic monitoring effectively reduce the recidivism of sexual assault offenders? Is this a better alternative to other community treatments?
