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篇名 利用CRISPR/Cas9基因編輯技術進行水稻OsCDPK1的功能失活突變
卷期 16:2
並列篇名 Loss-of-function mutation of OsCDPK1 in rice by CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing
作者 陳彥伯董柏宏侯新龍
頁次 053-066
關鍵字 水稻OsCDPK1CRISPR/Cas9基因編輯ricegene editing
出刊日期 201912


鈣調蛋白質激酶(CDPKs, calcium-dependent protein kinases) 是植物細胞內Ca2+ 濃度變化的感測器(sensor) 之一,其蛋白質激酶的活性被Ca2+ 所活化,進而磷酸化目標蛋白質的絲胺酸(Serine) 及息寧胺酸(Threonine) 胺基酸,因此是屬於Ser/Thr 蛋白質激酶。OsCDPK1 過量表現(OsCDPK1-overexpressing) 對幼苗生長及種子大小具有負向的影響;且 OsCDPK1-RNAi(RNA interference) 基因靜默(gene silencing) 的轉殖株(Ri-1) 幼苗成長較快且穀粒較大,葉片顏色為淡綠色,植株型態較細長。為了獲得穀粒較大但不帶轉基因的OsCDPK1 突變株,本研究利用叢集有規律間隔的短迴文重複序列(clustered regularly interspaced short palindromicrepeats, CRISPR)/ CRISPR- 結合蛋白9 (CRISPR-associated protein 9, Cas9) 基因體編輯的方法,進行OsCDPK1 的基因功能失活突變,將重組完成的sgRNA-OsCDPK1/Ubi::Cas9 binaryvector 以農桿菌為媒介轉殖到水稻TNG67 癒傷組織中,共獲得109 個轉殖成功的瘉傷組織系,其中有24 個系成功誘導成植株,誘導成功率為22%。純化轉殖系的基因組(genomic)DNA 後,利用PCR 將目標序列增殖並選殖到T-vector,目前定序的T0 植株系中,發現有三個植株系在OsCDPK1 基因的轉譯起始點下游第79 個核苷酸G 密碼子缺失;一個植株系於轉譯起始下游第80 個核甘酸插入一個A 密碼子;兩個植株系於轉譯起始下游第81 個核甘酸插入一個T 密碼子,皆造成密碼讀框被改變,轉譯提早終止。推測成功獲得了3 個不同之基因編輯OsCDPK1 功能失活的突變株。


CDPKs (calcium-dependent protein kinases) is one of the plant Ca2+ sensors, their kinase activities are activated by Ca2+ that subsequently phosphorylation on serine or threonine residues in the targeted proteins. Therefore, they are belong to as a Ser/Thr protein kinases. Our studies found that the seedling growth and seed size are negatively and positively affected in transgenic OsCDPK1-overexpressing and OsCDPK1-RNAi rice plants, respectively. To generate a rice plant of which could produces a larger seed than that of the wild-type but did not carry the transgene in the genome, the strategy of Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)/ CRISPR-associated protein 9 (Cas9) gene editing was conducted in this study for loss of function mutation of OsCDPK1. The sgRNA-OsCDPK1/Ubi::Cas9 binary vector was conducted and transformed by Agrobacterium-mediated gene transformation of rice calli. Twenty-four out of 109 transformed calli were successfully regenerated into transgenic plants and the regeneration rate was 22%. The genomic DNAs were purified from those different transgenic lines followed by amplified of the targeted gene OsCDPK1 coding region by PCR and cloned into T-vector. After DNA sequencing, three individual transgenic lines were found that from the downstream of the OsCDPK1 translational start codon, the 79th nucleotide of G was deleted. We also found that there were one transgenic line was showed single nucleotide insertion of A in the position of 80th nucleotide, and two lines revealed that a T nucleotide insertion in 81th base. All of these mutants were as frame-shift mutation, which would result in the premature termination codon during translation. Altogether, by the CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing, there were three transgenic lines that were successfully edited in OsCDPK1 coding region and resulted in loss-of-function mutation.
