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篇名 風險溝通模式提升社區災害韌性之探究:以水患自主防災社區計畫為例
卷期 47:1
並列篇名 Relationships Between Risk Communication and Disaster Resilience: A Case Study of a Community-Based Flood Management Project
作者 曾敏惠吳杰穎
頁次 003-026
關鍵字 防災社區韌性社區災害韌性風險溝通共識溝通水患自主防災社區計畫Community-based disaster risk managementCommunity disaster resilienceResilienceRisk communicationConsensus communicationCommunity-based flood management projectTSSCI
出刊日期 202003
DOI 10.6128/CP.202003_47(1).0001


建構韌性社區為2005 年聯合國兵庫行動綱領提出的十年減災行動目標。回顧國內在九二一地震與莫拉克颱風後,公私部門相繼進行防災社區推動計畫,希望藉以提升社區防救災能量。然而,過往研究較少探究防災社區推動與社區災害韌性之間的關聯性,故本研究藉由經濟部水利署推動之水患自主防災社區計畫為例,選取宜蘭、苗栗、彰化、嘉義、台南、屏東、花蓮及台東,共8 個社區作為研究對象。透過深度訪談,探討不同風險溝通模式,在四個防災社區推動項目執行後,藉由社區災害韌性面向來分析其提升的程度。研究發現,水患自主防災社區推動之風險溝通模式,以採取共識溝通對於社區災害韌性提升最為明顯,危機溝通也有顯而易見的影響,而保護溝通與非實質風險溝通則較不明顯。本研究同時發現,在共識溝通中,社區災害韌性面向間具有相互影響的特性,當中以「社會學習」為提升整體災害韌性產生正向回饋的關鍵,藉由「社會學習」可促發「掌握社區災害風險」、「夥伴關係」,以及「溝通與協調」之社區災害韌性。未來我國防災社區推動,建議可多側重共識溝通模式,並依社區特性與需求,策略性採用相對適切的風險溝通方法,使防災社區推動能更有效地進行,達到提升社區災害韌性的目標。


UNISDR’s Hyogo Framework for Action declared the importance of promoting community resilience and coping capacity in 2005. The public and private sectors of Taiwan implemented community-based disaster risk management (CBDRM) after the 921 earthquake and typhoon Morakot. However, very few previous studies have explored the relationship between CBDRM and community disaster resilience. This investigation uses the Community-Based Flood Management (CBFM) project as a case study, with eight communities from Ilan, Miaoli, Changhua, Chiayi, Tainan, Pingtung, Hualien and Taitung counties as research targets. The influence of different risk communication forms on community disaster resilience is examined using semi-structured qualitative interviews as the primary research method. The analysis shows that consensus communication is the most significant method of enhancing community disaster resilience, followed in order by crisis communication, care communication and non-risk communication. This investigation also finds that the community disaster resilience factors influence each other. The “social learning” factor can trigger other resilience factors including “determine the environment risk”, “partnership” and “communication and coordination”. Finally, this study recommends adopting consensus communication in implementing CBDRM. Additionally, to enhance community resilience, this study recommends adopting an appropriate risk communication method, based on the attributes and requirements of the community.
